PICA Protocol: Data Storytelling, Find and Manage Influencers, Online Video Advertising, Speedlink 23:2018

Hi everyone, hope you all had a great and productive week.

If you find your presentations are often met with a lukewarm reception, it’s a sure sign it’s time for you to invest in your data storytelling. By following a few smart rules, a structured approach to data visualization could make all the difference in how stakeholders receive and act upon your insights.

In the Whiteboard Friday video below, data viz expert Lea Pica shares her strategic methodology for creating highly effective charts.

PICA Protocol: A Visualization Prescription for Impactful Data Storytelling

4 Tools to Find and Manage Influencers


Are you working with social media influencers? Wondering how to vet and recruit influencers?

In this article, you’ll discover four tools to manage your influencer relationships.

ONLINE VIDEO ADVERTISING: All you need to know in 2018

video advertising

You may already know that videos are the marketing tool with the highest engagement rates nowadays on the internet.

Every day, more marketers are using video ads to promote their products and services effectively. But how can you take advantage of them?

For video advertising to work you need to understand video best practices, how to allocate your ad budget, and which platform can give you the highest return on ad spent.

Chapter 1: Why you need to use video ads in 2018
Chater 2: How to create an highly effective video ad
and more…

In this article, the author helps you overcome all these obstacles and plan a highly effective video ad.

And as usual, in no particular order:

Content Creation & Inbound Marketing (SEO, Search, etc)

Social Media Marketing; Technology & Small Business Resources

On iblogzone.com, SEO Tools and more

That’s it! Enjoy and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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DiTesco is a Business and Inbound Marketing Consultant, and founder of iBlogzone.com. iBlogzone's main objective is to help startups and small business owners achieve success in their online ventures. | More About Me and my Digital Marketing Services in SP Brazil.