Hi everyone, hope you all had a great and productive week!
How do you take your potential customers’ problems and turn them into a conversion success? If you’re having trouble with low conversion rates on high-traffic landing pages, don’t worry — there’s help.
In Rand’s Whiteboard Friday below, he shares a process to turn your landing page objections into improved conversion rates.
Overcoming Objections on Your Landing Pages
75 Content Marketing Tools You Can’t Live Without
Are you seeking ways to take your content marketing strategy to the next level? There are thousands of tactics to consider, but you have a limited supply of time, money, and energy. Even if you are among the 42% of B2B marketers who say they’re effective at content marketing, there is always room for improvement. If you want to make the most of content marketing, you need to know which strategies to implement and which tools to use.
In this post from QuickSprout.com, Neil examines 75 content marketing tools proven to increase reach, generate sales, boost traffic, and much more. A shortlist of the tools include:
Content Discovery
1. Quora
2. Reddit
3. Inbound.org
4. Alltop
Content distribution and more… read the full article here
How Important are Tags in 2016 for SEO?
If you want to improve the visibility of your website, increase traffic and boost your brand’s revenue, you need to run a strong SEO campaign.
While building backlinks, developing your social media presence, and other off-site practices are great for boosting your site’s rankings, on-page optimization is still incredibly important. Arguably, one of the most crucial aspects of on-page SEO is tags. Whether it’s title tags, header tags, meta tags or blog post tags, they have been demonstrated to increase traffic and boost engagement.
However, are tags still as important and effective in 2016 as they have been in the past? In this article from SearchEngineJournal.com, they take a look at the role of tags of every type, and explore their impact on SEO in 2016. If you are into SEO, this is a recommended read.
And as usual, in no particular order:
Content Creation & Marketing/SEO and Search
- 11 YouTube Ranking Steps
- 4 Blog Best Practices for Small Businesses 2016
- 8 Tips for Content Marketing Success
- 10 Chrome Extensions That Guarantee Better Results On Your Social Media Marketing Efforts
- Setting Local SEO Expectations: 3 Points To Hit Early And Often
Social Media/Small Business Bites
- 16 Twitter Tools for Social Media Marketers
- Bullet-Proofing Your Business From The Inevitable Online Reputation Attack
- How to Easily Manage Multiple Twitter Accounts
- How to Reach Your Profit Potential on Twitter
- The Best Advice to Follow for Social Media Content Success
More from around the web …
- Marketing Day: Snapchat Geofilter Costs, Local SEO Expectations & Online Reputation Management
- SearchCap: Google AdWords & Bing Ads Bugs, AMP Ranking Signal & Review Stars Bug
- Inbound Marketing And Social Media – Resources, insights, news and trends to help small businesses grow
That’s it! Enjoy and have a great week ahead.