Why You Should Use Behavior Analysis in Your Marketing [infographic]

Do you know who your audience is for your content? You likely have a vague idea of who you want to consume your content and go on to buy your product, but not much more than that. You’ve most likely overlooked the audience analysis aspect of marketing in favor of using one or two data points. Start learning who your audience is and focus on going deeper to learn about their personalities.

Using data is only the beginning when you develop strategies and tactics to learn more about your audience. Data is a guide and a starting point. For example, you may know the age range of your audience is 26 to 35, but do you know who the members of your target audience are? Saying no or not really as an answer means you need to go deeper. Use data to find out what their worries or interests are, what they know about your product, and how they feel about the industry that your product represents. Ask the big questions about your customer base, but also feel out what interests them.

The end of the campaign is another opportunity to learn more about the people who buy your products and why. Data comes in after the sale, when something doesn’t sell well, and why one product performed better while similar ones were left. This information can help you improve your campaigns and products, and help you use content marketing strategies more effectively. Learn more about audience behavior analysis and using data analytics in your marketing campaigns by viewing the infographic below.

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DiTesco is a Business and Inbound Marketing Consultant, and founder of iBlogzone.com. iBlogzone's main objective is to help startups and small business owners achieve success in their online ventures. | More About Me and my Digital Marketing Services in SP Brazil.