Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great week. Not sure which news topped this week, but I going for Matt Cutts saying a lot of interesting (or scary) things on SXSW this week. Big SEO changes are coming and that goes for overly optimized sites, bad merchants, hunting down link networks, Panda update (done apparently yesterday), huge Penguin this year and, oh heck, basically sweeping out all the bad stuff out there that cheats and/or manipulates rankings. And that’s not just Matt talking… Know a bit more of what’s coming here.
Listen to the interview of Matt Cutts and Duane Forrester by Danny Sullivan on SXSW (recommended if you are into SEO).
Q&A about ranking better on Google and Bing
Then we have the announcement of Google Reader leaving us effective July 1st. Hmmm, not sure why this move as Google always seems to have something under its sleeves, so I guess we’ll have to wait what, if any, would replace Google reader. Meantime, worry not, as Digg, taking advantage of this situation has officially announced that are working on their own reader and is actually asking for your help to make it awesome! As of this writing, there are 106 days left before launch. Click here if you want to help or just get notified when it launches.
Finally, in case you missed it, Pinterest has officially released their own Pinterest Web Analytics. For as long as your site is verified, you can now see a bit more of information about your pins. Find out how to set up your Pinterest analytics here.
Actually, the final finally is the real cool and new Samsung S4. Did you guys see it yet? The device should be called intelligent phone (iPhone) rather than smart 🙂 Seriously considering getting one. How about you?
As usual, in no particular order:
- Too Much SEO? Google’s Working On An “Over-Optimization” Penalty For That
- How to Start Building Your Author Rank: 6 Best Practices
Social/Blogging/Small Business Bites
- 5 Tips To Help SEO Based Affiliates Evaluate A Niche (really good)
- How to Get Facebook Fans: 10 Killer Ways the Bond Way
- How to Improve the Trust Factor of Your Blog
- Introducing Pinterest Web Analytics
- 1 Way to Earn Truly Passive Income from Your Blog
- FTC: If Your Tweet Is Sponsored You Must Disclose It
More Cool Stuff and Other Roundups
That’s it! Enjoy, have a great weekend!
Great roundup, bud.
There are many great alternatives to Google Reader, but I think I am going to use Feedly.
I just completed reading the “blog trust factor” article. It was a great read.
Thanks for sharing these golden nuggets.
Hi Dev. I agree with you, there are many alternatives to G Reader. Thing is I am looking for one that could “import” all my feeds that are already there. Know of any one? That would be awesome 🙂 Thanks for stopping by mate.. All the best
Great, feedly has a great tutorial on how users can import the feeds from Google Reader – http://blog.feedly.com/2013/03/14/google-reader/
Kimberly Castleberry
You know, it really is a shame you have a squatter sitting on ditesco (dot)com because I always come looking for your blog in my address by by that URL LOL!
Hi Kim. Yeah I know. Pity that there is no way I can get that squatter to let go of the dot com.. I have it under my radar though 🙂
Rizwan Sultan
Hey DiTesco,
It’s my visit after long time but I found your blog remain interesting Pinterest really made interesting changes announcement of business accounts and web analytic tools.Samsung S4 really interesting announcement in smart phone technology I am waiting for its launched hope it was better then Iphone 5.
I agree with you, there are many alternatives to G Reader. Thing is I am looking for one that could “import” all my feeds that are already there. Know of any one? That would be awesome 🙂 Thanks for stopping by mate.. All the best.
I took a look at the If Your Tweet Is Sponsored You Must Disclose It link you added. I know the FTC wants everyone to disclose info about there affiliate links and such, but I am not so sure how you would disclose a sponsored tweet within a tweet and keep it 140 characters or less.
Hi Ray. I understand what you mean. I guess just putting the word #ad should suffice, at least for now.
Pinterest has come out with new look. However I didn’t like the new look. Everything seems so bigger on the display. Analytics is an added bonus, and it’s good.
Pinterest Analytics
Good post.Lucky for social media agencies that reap the benefits of Pinterest for their clientele, Pinterest is now capable of producing data that measures traffic and analytics.
Pinterest Analytics
I have read all the comments.This are very informative.Thanks all for valuable comment and share information.