Another Year… Another Blog Post… How Boring!

It’s a new year, and that means you need to start thinking about the future of your blog.

Here’s some simple questions for you to ask about yourself and your blog.

  • Did you miss your blogging goals in 2012?
  • Was it hard for you to come up with new blog content?
  • Are you tired of writing about the same topics?

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions then you might want to start thinking about where you can find improvement in your blogging business model.

It’s not that your blog won’t succeed, but you need to have a consistent flow of enjoyment and interest in what you do. It’s one thing to have a boring job that you get paid for on an hourly basis, but running a make money blog is a whole different story and it’s way too easy to fall out the grove and let things fall apart.

So what’s a blog owner to do?

In 2013…. MIX IT UP!

If you missed your blogging goals in 2012, an excellent way to stay on track is to make sure you make a list of where you want to be on a month by month basis, while also staying up to date on your post activity, building links, coming up with new revenue sources or anything else you have in mind.

Sometimes blog niches just don’t have as much information as others. Take the “make money online” niche for example… you could come up with new topics for a blog like that all year long. Now think about the “bacon” niche, sure you can write about bacon a few times, but how long could you keep coming up with new topics. The fix? Expand to a new niche or re-write and swing old blog posts so they are seen by your new visitors and readers.

Blog Post CreationCreating content for your blog should be somewhat enjoyable and not a burden on yourself. A great way to solve the problem of not wanting to come up with blog post ideas and writing daily is to hire new writers for your blog. Don’t forget, there are plenty of writers out there looking for work and they are probably most cost effective than you think. Many of them are likely knowledgeable about your blog topic as well.

I’ll be the first to admit it, running a successful blog is not easy, especially when you run more than one of them!

In previous years I let slip away from my interests and grasps and I’ve made it a personal goal this year to bring it back to the thriving site it once was.

Here are just a few of the areas I’ve focused on to bring the blog back to life and gain my full interest again.

  • Improved blog design with better navigation
  • Interview and hire a bunch of new writers
  • Create a blog case study that puts me in the spotlight

One of the best ways to MAKE SURE you keep yourself active in your blog is to actually call yourself out and have readers expect killer content, progress and case studies from you.

The last thing you want to do is disappoint your blog readers.

With all of that said… make 2013 your best blogging year yet!

Zac Johnson

Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at and, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on Amazon.

19 thoughts on “Another Year… Another Blog Post… How Boring!

  • Well, if you have 4-5 year old blog of course it is getting boring to deal with it. maybe the best solution to stick to some new topic? To start a new blog with something fresh?

  • Every post in every blog should be appreciated because there is always someone who devoted their time composing that post. GREAT post!

    • Thanks, appreciate it. Yes, every post is taking up your valuable time and the time of the reader, so make sure they are worth reading!

  • Hiya Zac,
    I am new to your site, and like what I see. I’m especially looking forward to your case studies.

    Pat Flynn – he is honest and ethical. Got to like that in an online personality.

    I too, have recently decided to do some revamping on my blog. I actually killed off approximately 100 posts. They were quality information, but they didn’t have any of my personality in them. I lost interest and didn’t post for over a year. Now I’m excited about my blog again. Yay. 🙂

    • Thanks, glad you got to check out the site. Good luck with the blog revamping!

  • It’s really essential to have user friendly blog, such as easy to navigate, low load time and good looking theme. These normal but essential points mainly attract your audience.

    • Definitely. Make it easier for your users to navigate through your site and you will find them browsing more pages and enjoying the site even more.

      • Strongly agree with you Zac,easy navigation means more and more visits.

  • Good points Zac!
    Good idea to make blogging still enjoyable while generating a good income, online.
    Also realized that consistent enjoyment is important that affects on the blogging productivity and or creativity.

    • Most definitely! If you enjoy writing for your site you will work on it so much more. I’ve created many sites that I was first excited about, then let them die off in a week or two because of lack of interest.

  • Hi Zac,
    The idea is the hardest part for me. Sometimes I really want to write an article, but I have trouble finding the right ideas in writing. An article written in accordance with the idea will result in satisfaction when we publish.

    • Here’s another tip… take the idea/concept of your site and plug it into Google and search “NEWS” and you will find some of the latest hot topics on what people are searching for. Write up posts with your opinions on it or a resource post full of news links.

  • A post on a Blog,is just not a post,there has been a lot of hard work of the person who is working behind it.

  • Hi Zac,

    Great post. Thanks for sharing what you’ve done. At least I know that I’m not the only one who have that feels.

    Every blogger should find their own focus to stay active. As long as we have the passion, we will find it, just keep the hard work on the list. 🙂

  • Great post. Stay in your lane. Know what you want and do it.

  • Another year for me is another challenge to make things better. It is not another blog post, but another challenge for me on how to improve my skills and to be more dedicated in every blog I post.

  • It will not take much time for a blog to become boring for you if you take it too lightly and do not bring in innovations. You should choose to write fresh content and try not to make it repetitive. Readers will take interest in reading or viewing your blogs when you include relevant pictures as well as videos with the content you post on your blog.

  • Hi Zac
    If you writing boring posts then your readers will become fed up and not return, I like your idea of making a plan of what you want to blog about on a monthly basis, and where you want to be.
    I have a folder with ideas of topics I wish to write about so I will now break it up in to each month. I post twice a week on the same days which I think is important, my readers know which days to expect a new post from me, it’s good to be consistent.
    Thanks for sharing, have a great week.

  • Hey Zac,

    Creating a blog case study really looks like a great thing to start in 2013. Because, I too think people have read a lot of how-tos and 7 tips for……. This is really an interesting thing to start over.

    Thank you

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