Mobile Site Builder, WP Plugin Blacklist, Google Penguin, Speedlink 19:2012

A couple of weeks has gone by since the Google Penguin update has been launched, and yet, news about it is still dominant around the web. Reason being, is because it is a great deal and many websites have seen their rankings plummet, some nowhere to be found. From a business standpoint, being affected by this update can be devastating, and after reading a lot of articles related to the Google Penguin issue, it is clear that the best way to recover from the update is by applying Google’s quality guidelines, period. If all else fails, you may need to consider starting a new website.

In addition, this article from Danny Sullivan runs through several stuff that you should really need to know. Aside from Matt Cutt’s video (see below), among other things, there is one thing that caught my attention, a link to a list of WordPress plug-ins that apparently insert hidden links. Worth looking at, in case you use some of these. If you are wondering why you have been affected by the Penguin update, these plugins may have inserted hidden links, that could have caused you a penalty, and of which you are not aware of. While we are at it, I am convinced that if some plugins can in fact be a problem, some free WordPress themes, may also be a cause of worry. Just a heads up!

On a more positive front, in case you missed it, Google has teamed up with Dudamobile to help everyone make their website mobile compatible. I am sure that by now, you already know the importance of having your website mobile friendly. The mobile site builder is an excellent alternative to get started.

As usual in no particular order:


Content/Online Business Bites

Social Web/Other Cool Stuff

Around the Web [more roundups]

When are penalties lifted?

That’s it! Enjoy and have a great week ahead.


DiTesco is a Business and Inbound Marketing Consultant, and founder of iBlogzone's main objective is to help startups and small business owners achieve success in their online ventures. | More About Me and my Digital Marketing Services in SP Brazil.

8 thoughts on “Mobile Site Builder, WP Plugin Blacklist, Google Penguin, Speedlink 19:2012

  • Awesome list Francisco! I’ll need several days to check them.
    I didn’t know that some WP plugins hide links, will see which are.

    The zoo updates of the algos from Google is complicating to everybody….

    Interesting to apply the mobile version for the sites from G. I know there is a plugin that can make your site mobile-friendly, but I didn’t try it yet.

    All the best,


    • Hi Gera. Yeah, there are “sneaky” plugins out there that could be one of the reasons why a “webiste” may have been flagged by Penguin. Worth checking out. As for the plugin, it is WP Touch.. I do like that plugin, but seriously, I like Google/Dudamobile’s solution better 🙂

  • Thanks for sharing the viable links – Definitely made this post worth reading. Good luck to anyone who Google Penguin has been giving problems.

  • Wow Ditesco “If all else fails, you may need to consider starting a new website”, crazy how this update may be come to this for some people; especially for those using those plugins and unknowingly hurting their rankings.

    Thanks for the update on this. Thankfully doesn’t look like my sites have been affected by this update but will keep and eye on it. 😉


    • Hi Michele. Yep, sad to say but I do know of a couple of sites that were hit so bad, they decided it is better off to start fresh and forget about making any changes at all. Not really worth the effort. Your site was not affected, because it is of “high quality”, lol. Thanks for stopping by. always good to see you here 🙂

  • Actually I´ve seen some ranking improvements after the penguin update (or a few days later).

    There are rumors that Google removed some rules that they implemented with Panda of their algorithms that ended hurting a lot of sites but also the quality of the results so with Penguin the went back and improved results for a few websites (not all of them).

    On one site that I run my ranking improved while on another one it completely disappeared from the results.

  • I have heard that some WordPress plugins might contain hidden links, and I know you need to be careful with free themes too. I do notice that a lot of plugins have a reference to the developers website in the source code. It’s not a hidden anchor text, but more along the lines of hidden text link. I have wondered about these kinds of things for a long time now. Since they are sort of hidden if they are potentially a bad idea, or nothing to worry about.

  • Nice wrap-up 🙂 I’ll definitely read all of these posts

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