
DiTesco is a Business and Inbound Marketing Consultant, and founder of iBlogzone.com. iBlogzone's main objective is to help startups and small business owners achieve success in their online ventures. | More About Me and my Digital Marketing Services in SP Brazil.

46 thoughts on “Scoop.it – Content Curation Tool, Building Authority

  • WOW This is Amazing, Just imagine How this tool going to help a lot of people and save our time ๐Ÿ˜€

    Please if you figured out how to send invites, Test it on me lol^^

    Thanks for sharing this great tool..

    • Hi Faissal. Glad you liked tool. To be honest, I would have not found it, if it were not for Ileane ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway, if there is someone who can put this tool to good use, that would be you. Will look at the invites and see how that works, and will definitely send you one if I figure it out ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Hi Faissal. Post has been updated.. As of today, invites are no longer required. Just to give you a heads up ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Thanks a lot DiTesco I just got my account.. ๐Ÿ˜€

    • I agree with you faissal, it will defiantly gonna save our time and its the most important thing these days for us because we are involve in multi task and dont get proper time to a perticular work. Thanks DiTesco for sharing this.

  • Hi DiTesco, I got a similar email from Ileane yesterday. She said, “Hey Brian! Scoop.it is a cool way to curate content. You should give it a try. Let me know if you like it”. Like you I was looking at that message wondering what in the World is it to curate content. If Ileane said I should try it then I knew I should look into it.

    Also like you, as soon as I clicked the link I thought of Paper.li. I setup a profile and a topic, Hot Blog Tips, (Thanks for the follow BTW) and then spent nearly two hours checking out all the content it was offering. I was amazed at the number of very cool sites on blogging that I never heard of. I think Scoopt.it is going to be one of my favorite resources when it comes to expanding my list of regular blogs to visit. I already added over a dozen new feeds yesterday to my reader and that just scratches the surface.

    • Hi Brian. Yep, exactly the same message I got from Ileane. Maybe if she reads this, she can tell us how to send those invites ๐Ÿ™‚ Saw your HBT and it is really awesome. Like you, I have spent an hour os so yesterday trying to “discover” the platform. It an be addicting indeed. Thanks for stopping by.

  • Hi DiTesco,

    I’ve seen incoming links to my site from Scoop.it. I wanted to sign up, but as you’ve already stated, you need an invite. (Le sigh…)

    Do you think it’s easy to work with? How long did it take you to do the Small Business Bites page above?


    • Hi Dahlia. I think I may be receiving some invites soon, so I’ll make sure you get one if you are interested ๐Ÿ™‚

      As for the ease of use, ooppss, I missed that one here, and that is really an important part of it. The answer? Very easy.. I’am not a tech guy and don’t usually spend to much hours trying to figure out how things work. Scoop.it is really easy to use and their FAQ is excellent, full of videos and more. The site above took me about a minute and a half to create. The difficult part was trying to figure out what topic will I want to be curating ๐Ÿ™‚

      • I’m definitely interested DiTesco, only if you can spare it. It’s not life or death, lol.

        And thanks for letting me know how easy it was to build the site. That’s definitely an incentive for getting started.

        • Hi Dahlia. Post has been updated.. As of today, invites are no longer required. Just to give you a heads up ๐Ÿ™‚

          • I see… thanks DiTesco… signing up!

    • I too found an incoming link from ScoopIt while looking at my WP stats and when I went to see what the site was it said I had to be logged in which usually turns me away, but after reading this post along with the fact I already got a backlink from the site tells me this is something I got to look into โ—

  • It seems interesting, I would certainly like to get an invite from you when you find out how you can send an invite…

    Kostas | Opportunities Planet

    • Hi Kostas. Good news! As of today, invites are no longer required. If you are interested in signing up, the sooner the better. Secure those great URLs ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Nice review – I will add you on scoop.it.

    The other thing you have not mentioned is that you can network with other like minded people on scoop.it – because they tell you what they are interested in…
    Find the big hitters in any industry…

    • Hi Jonathan. Sorry for the delay in my response. Indeed, Scoop.it goes way beyond just curating content. I agree with you that, done properly, it is great way to build relationships with like minded people. Thanks for stopping by

  • DiTesco,

    I have never been much in to content curation, preferring to make my own. But I must admit that this sounds like a pretty cool site. I’ll definitely be checking out playing with it for the next little bit. Thanks for the heads-up I must’ve missed the one Ileane sent.

    • Hi Steve. Sorry for responding a tad late. Scoop.it is now open for to the public and invites are no longer required. Anyway, since I have started using it, I already have seen some referrals coming from them. Not a lot but seeing some ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by

  • A few of my posts on my new site got featured on Scoop.It. I was really intrigued by what it was because I’ve never heard of it before. It actually sent over some traffic to my site as well. Pretty nifty little cuation tool if you ask me…and yes…it does remind me of Paper.li…at first I thought it was a similar service.

    • Hi Eugene. That’s great that you been getting some traffic from Scoop.it. I think that this type of traffic is good as it “appears” to be more targeted and is certainly a welcome addition ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by

  • Hello Francisco. I think I see a new online job title coming along. ‘Content Curator’. Lol! Could be a great way to provide a service for online media houses and high-profile blogs (you know they have so little time…). I’ll definitely look into this as they may suggest great places to search for customers. If you’re creative you may even be able to use it for other things than just those ideas mentioned. Thanks for sharing!

    • Hi Brian. Sorry for the delay in my response. Great minds “like yours” have a sharp eye for this kind of things. Entrepreneur to entrepreneur, I am convinced that we are pretty much in sync with some of the “great” possibilities that such tool can be for our marketing efforts ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks for leaving you thoughts. Always appreciate it

  • Francisco, this is a great tool, but wouldn’t that be doubling your efforts online. And isn’t it more fun to blog? I’ll tell you, one of the things I see it having a potential for is help with a messy reading list and RSS feeds, since they suggest content to you. Very nice.

    • Hi Ivin. Doubling the efforts is probably a little far fetched as this tool is very easy to use, specially if you have the “bookmarklet” installed. I agree that blogging can be more fun, but Scoop.it can be used for “marketing” purposes rather than replacing a blog itself. Also, I totally agree with you that this could be lots better to “scour” for quality content as they suggest some really good stuff for you. Plus, you can also meet people that share the same interest as you ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I have been aware of content curation for quite a while as it is basically what bloggers have been doing with the mashup type posts which used to be called riffing back in the day..

    Jack Humphrey of FridayTrafficReport recently developed some good desktop software that does beautifully styled content curations but of course it does cost while what you present here is free..

    Quick question is what happened to that Apture wordpress plugin that did all this on our blog posts and why did they delete that particular service โ“

    • Hi Caleb. My thoughts exactly, Content Curation in a way is a “fancy” language for mashups or roundups. It does follow the same principle, gathering great content and sharing it to the world ๐Ÿ˜‰ Ass for that plugin, I really am not familiar with it Caleb. I will poke around and see if I find something ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I have been eying to be a part of this community, but I dont know where to find invites ๐Ÿ™

    • Hi Herbert. The site is now out of beta so you no longer have to worry to look for invites. Just head over there and sign up ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hi DiTesco,
    Very very interesting post. I really think Scoop.it could be a terrific tool. No more writers block. Plus it will cut the research time down to nothing. And, definitely for a mild backlink program. You have uncovered a wonderful tool.

    • Hi Ann. Great point… With so much awesome and great content gathered in one website, I am sure that there is a “flavor” for everyone’s taste and as you point out, no more writer’s block. What that anyway ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Wow, great site and the greatest thing about it is its FREE. I think it can also give us, bloggers, a topic to create a blog post on. Hmmm, will check it out. Thanks Di!

    • Hi Ron. Yep, it does give us bloggers a great resource for finding topics of out interest and blog about it too… Glad you found it interesting. Once you have something up there running, let me know and I’ll follow ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I just checked their service, initial impression looks good, I will signup and try it for some time. I must agree that idea looks attractive.

    • Hi Sanjeev. Yeah, the toolis really awesome and what I like best is the ease of use. Thinking how to use this to our maximum benefit. Any thoughts? ๐Ÿ™‚

      All the best and thanks for stopping by

      • right I am just trying to setup few pages based on topic and trying to collect relevant topic, it is really easy to use. Looks like social element is also mixed here as we can comment on others scoop and create a group, need to see how that it will impact the topic ranks etc.

  • I first noticed Scoop.it last week and recognized it as something similar to Paper.li, but I appreciate the definition and exploration you did in this post of what exactly it is. Content curation is like the best editor’s job: find the content you love and recommend it to people.

    • Hi Jen. “Best Editor’s Job” or editors pick sounds about just right ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I’ve been using Scoop.it for a few months. It can take up a lot of time, like any form of social media tends to do. But, I enjoy it. I started just to see how it works and what sites I could turn up. Now spend about an hour there, most days, adding content to the topics I work on. Best of all, I have found really great ideas and topics to write about myself on my own blog.

  • Awesome! Thanks for the run-down and video about Scoop.it! I am excited to try it and help my readers find useful information that’s nicely packaged for them in one place. What a grand idea for those of us wanting to share, share, share! Thanks again…


  • Thanks for the information, I have been trying to work out what to use Scoop.it for. I think this gives me some ideas.

  • Please inform me as to the juice of the links if you find out. I signed up about a month ago, started a scoop.it on “Clean Entertainment & Media” which is related to my business. I’ve been adding a Branded Signature with URL to our main Clean, Positive & Factual online magazine with each post. I’d like to know if these are Do Follow or in other words, have any juice to ’em. I’ve been a lil hesitant to waste any more time unless they are. – Thanks & God bless!

    • Hi Curt. As far as I can tell, Scoop.it links are “dofollow”, specially those that are left inside the “description” area. Therefore it passes juice, even if it is just a little. You do have to “strengthen” your own page, if you want it to count more. This means that it is recommended that you also point links towards your Scoop.it pages.

      • Thanks, That makes sense. I’ll go ahead and add some type of link back to the scoop.it page from the online magazine. *good for starters* Thanks!

  • Got to know about your post and interest towards Scoop.it from Ileane. Though the concept of content curation is pretty new for me, it looks really worth to spend time over it thereby building authority, backlinks…etc

    • Hi Salman. Content curation done properly can help in a lot of ways. Scoop.it is a great site for that purpose and like Ileane, I totally recommend its use. However, there are other ways to curate content and more specifically if you want to do it in your own web property. The later is a great form to generate content, and as I said, done properly, can improve your users experience and with that, your rankings.

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