6 Reasons Why Your Blog Should Be CommentLuv Premium Enabled

As a blogger, regardless of what level you are in, you should know that getting comments is one of the most motivating aspects of blogging. Why, because among other things, it is the best way to know that you are not alone, that someone actually reads what you have to say, and most importantly, it is also a form to build relationships and interact with your audience. The later is probably the one that I have benefited most over my blogging career. Trough commenting, I have made friends, met people, and even gained business partners that, in one way or another, are a important part of my online ventures. Obviously, the opposite is also true. If we like to receive comments, other fellow bloggers does too. The feeling is always mutual.

Anyway, I really don’t want to repeat myself as to the power of commenting and benefits of having a blog CommentLuv (aff link) enabled. If you are amongst the 400.000 plus, that downloaded CommentLuv, this is one of those plugins that really don’t require further introduction. I have been using it since 2009, and this is the only plugin that I never let go of. That in itself should tell you something 🙂 . In any event, I provided my two cents about commenting and the CommentLuv plugin some time ago. With the exception of some adjustments, they still apply today, and if you want to know more, I recommend reading the following:

Commenting has gone a long way since then. Other forms of interaction and blog engagement made its way. New tools and plugins have been developed to improve your link building campaign. SPAM comments have increased dramatically, thus requiring some form of SPAM comment defense mechanism . New forms of incentives have been created to give something back to people who legitimately interact with you. And the list goes on… Fortunately, there are plugins that can help us manage all these “quasi” requirements. The problem however, is that they have to be installed individually, and along with it, all kinds of problems that can occur within the process. Site speed loading issues, security, vulnerability, reliability, etc., are just but a few things that can go wrong. Well, all that has changed…

Enter CommentLuv Premium

Andy, the man behind CommentLuv, has decided to take his all popular CommentLuv plugin to two levels up. Yeah, next level would be an understatement. Simply put, he took the following features…

  • CommentLuv – Adds the users last blog post to the end of the comment that they make on your site provided that they include their URL and it has a feed available. It can also show information about each link left when a user hovers their mouse over the link.
  • KeywordLuv – Provides very similar functions to the popular KeywordLuv plugin, with the exception that it keeps the name of comment author “clean” by storing the keywords separately to the name in the database.
  • TwitterLink – Adds an extra field to your comment form to allow your visitors to add their twitter username along with their comment. The username will be stored and you can display it within the comments in your chosen place to encourage people to follow them. This adds an additional enticement for your readers to comment on your posts.
  • GASP Anti-Spam – GASP is extremely effective at blocking spambots and trackback spam. Usually, Spambots leave automated spam messages within comments. Since they are bots, it is unusual for them to be able to view things that are generated with javascript. This plugin will use javascript to generate a checkbox on your comment form asking people to click it before allowing their comment to be accepted and should eliminate virtually any SPAM. You can also find out more about user spam registration here.
  • Top CommentLuv Commenters Widget – Show off your top commenters (Top CommentLuvers)
  • Dofollow Plugin – Enable dofollow or nofollow on comment links. Or you can set a combination of both. For example, after 5 approved comments, all links become dofollow.

…and, combined it into one. The CommentLuv Premium is born. Needless to say, that among other things, all these helps you increase traffic, increase user social engagement, block spammers and very, very good for SEO.

Watch the video presentation for a quick tour of CommentLuv premium

CommentLuv Premium is just that, 6 in 1 plugin, hence, 6 reasons why you should consider having your blog CommentLuv enabled. No other plugin, that even resembles a similarity with CommentLuv premium,  will provide you with so much features in one neat package. No other plugin will provide you with an “iron clad” guarantee, that it works. You see, as I am writing this, even if you want to, you can not purchase the plugin just yet (more on that in a while). Why, because it is currently being tested by top bloggers that know what is required for a plugin like this to fulfill its objectives. Andy has assembled an elite group of beta testers, that have been providing feedbacks to identify possible bugs, suggest enhancements, etc., before it is released to the public. Even when that happens, I am sure that more updates will come, as you have seen before with the free version. Therefore, rest assured that once you get your hands on CommentLuv premium, it will be credible, reliable, and recommended by many bloggers who are trusted. No need for giving you a list of them, as I am sure they are easily identifiable :).

Disadvantages Of Not Using CommentLuv Premium

This is a tough one and I will really need your help. If you think that there is a any disadvantage in using CommentLuv, please do let me know. It will be a pleasure to discuss it with you. Considering that nearly every aspect on CommentLuv’s features are customizable, I have to admit that the only disadvantage that I can think of right now is that it won’t be free.

I Want My Blog To Be CommentLuv Premium Enabled

CommentLuv Premium EnabledGood for you :). Starting the 27th of September for 7 days only, Andy is opening the doors for the early adopters, and for those who can’t wait no longer. I am not sure how many copies will be made available so you might want to consider to secure a position as early as possible. If you are interested, you can do so by clicking the “Luv+” image. And did I mention that once you have the plugin installed, you immediately qualify to be an affiliate? How cool is that? Make a sale or two and you got your investment back. Simply awesome!

That’s it! Is your blog already CommentLuv enabled with the current free version? Do you like it? What benefits do you think will you have (or not) by upgrading to the premium version?


DiTesco is a Business and Inbound Marketing Consultant, and founder of iBlogzone.com. iBlogzone's main objective is to help startups and small business owners achieve success in their online ventures. | More About Me and my Digital Marketing Services in SP Brazil.

58 thoughts on “6 Reasons Why Your Blog Should Be CommentLuv Premium Enabled

  • This is awesome. thanks for sharing. I have CommentLuv on all of my blogs, and cannot wait to get the premium version. Good to know it will be out soon. Been ready for it since I first heard.

  • I have a problem regarding comment luv sites. Can you help me out here? I am a commenter of one comment luv sites and my question is, why do some administrator of the site are removing keyword but inspite of the things happened, it is a comment luv site and it has to be a keyword fter your comment.

    • Hi Mika. KeywordLuv is not a “standard” issue on previous versions of CommentLuv. Those that are running the free version should also install KeywordLuv if they want their users to have it. If they don’t have it installed then it won’t work. Also, even if they jhave it installed, the amount of words could be limited, so it is the site owner who really makes that decision. Hope this helps

  • Nice Info!!!!

    All point are useful for make many backlinks from the point of SEO. I think every blogger should enabled CommentLuv for better response.

  • I really cannot wait for the release of commentluv premium, commentluv can do wonders for both bloggers and commentators it’s just a win win situation and with the new commentluv premium it goes even further it’s just one of the most valuable plugins that every blogger should use…

    Kostas | Opportunities Planet

    • I agree with you. CL does a wonderful job and it is one of those things that really help.. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you signed up for the “early bird” special 🙂

  • DiTesco, I keep thinking that it’s a dream and someone is going to pinch me and make we wake up. Then I remember that CommentLuv premium is finally here! We waited a long time and Andy did not disappoint! The social enticements are really sweet and a few of my readers have tweeted and shared even though they didn’t need to in order to get the extra links.

    • Hi Ileane. I totally agree with you.. Andy did a wonderful job and after so much waiting we finally see the “light of day”. Like you, I was one of the early adopters too and I liked it then. Needless to say that I am hooked with the premium version. As for the social enticements, that is really a great addition. People using it even if they don’t need it is exactly the kind of motivation that we are looking for 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my friend. Always great to see you here

  • I for one will say that when I enabled CommentLuv, my traffic increased simply because people found out about it.

    That combined with the comment approved notified is a definite SEO 1-2 punch for any blog.


    • Hi Mark. CommentLuv does help increase traffic and has also some SEO benefits. Combined with the “other” must have plugins, such as GASP, hard to resist not having it 🙂 Thanks for stopping by

  • Hey DiTesco, Nice write up with detailed review about the plugin. I have seen the CommentLuv plugin on many wordpress blogs. I too wanna try this plugin, but unfortunately I’m using DISQUS and this awesome plugin is not yet available for DISQUS system. Hope it will be available for DISQUS soon…!

  • Hi DiTesco, I use all of these plugins individually and they all add to the experience of the visitor and commentator, a Top commentators widget is a fantastic way to reward your most frequent visitors with extra exposure and it is fully automated!
    GASP anti spam since its introduction has massively reduced my spam levels.

    The question of course has to be how much of a performance improvement will there be over the individual plugins when they are combined into one code set.

    That is for me, what will justify the investment.

    speak soon, igor

  • I am a little curious about what the final price of commentluv will end up being. It is a decent plugin that is kept up to date, and actively developed. It will also be interesting to see if we see the premium version showing up on more sites once it goes public.

  • Since I’ve installed CommentLuv, I’ve become a comment luv lover 🙂

  • Poor me. I still haven’t use CommentLuv. As soon as I have the time, I will do it and join the community of CommentLuv ers. =)

  • Commentluv premium is a big win to all it users!! I couldn’t get enough from this plugin!!

  • I love the social enticement feature very much. It really is a winner.

  • Hi Francisco,

    After your description is hard to not choose this cool plugin 🙂
    CLP is a full resource package that worth to try – great job done by Andy!



  • I totally agree with you it only helps you out to get good quality comments and give some luv back.

  • Not sure if this is super handy as all the features mentioned here can be achieve by using individual plugins. Though for hardcore Commentluv users, this is going to be really useful since this will surely help in increasing no. of comment tremendously.

    • Hi Harsh. I agree with you that you can get most of the plugins here for free on an individual basis. That’s just one of the problems, you have to install too many plugins and as you well know, that can be a problem. There could be compatibility issues, load time constraints, etc. Like you said, hardcore users may see a substantial benefit from it… That’s why it is interesting 🙂

  • I don’t think it has any disadvantages! This plugin is awesome! I am looking forward to the pro version as it will help boost social presence!

  • I couldn’t agree with you more. I especially like the G.A.S.P and Dofollow plugins that comes with the premium package. I for one think that akismet might be losing its edge as the best antispam plugin to G.A.S.P. Also as of this moment I too haven’t seen any downside of getting commentluv premium. 🙂

  • I am so looking forward to this premium release of commentluv. I will most definitely going to be adding this to my blog.

  • I will be using CommentLuv after all my blogs will be moved to WP.. I really envy blogs with CommentLuv..

  • These are really great reasons on why I should make my blog with commentluv premium. You really convinced me and I will try it. Thanks.

  • Hey Fransisco,
    I can not say enough about commentluv premium, I got it and I am loving it. Andy did a great job, he thought of everything when creating the premium version. I am sure, as people start suing it, there will be more suggestions and so more improvements and maybe even new features will be added.
    One thing is for sure, CLUV is changing something in blogosphere

  • Thanks for the tips! I’m just getting started with CommentLuv.

  • The CommentLuv premium plugin seems the way to go. Have you noticed any noticeable reduction in the amount of spam on your blog since installing the plugin? I know it is supposed to help with blog spam, but I wonder if it really does.

    • Hi Janice. Without any doubt, the SPAM has reduced dramatically, to a point that I can almost say it is 99,9% reduction. It works well and does annoy your “human” readers 🙂

  • You are right about that if you want to keep your readers engaged and on your blog more you need to give them a little incentive.

    • oops sorry forgot to add, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, You may need to monitor a bit more but I think its worth it in the longrun.

  • A benefit not always mentioned, when you get the premium version, you sometimes get a choice of 10 posts when you go on another premium CommentLuv site. You also can select favorite *pages* ahead of time as your favorites, and then can select those when you comment. It makes commenting a lot more fun.

  • doh! i am so bummed I did not hear about the original launch… that was an incredible deal. i would have easily jumped on that!

    have you heard anyone talk about commentluv and giving so many do follow links as potentially hurting SEO? or do you feel the increase in comments and people discovering your site easily covers all of that?

  • Hi DiTesco. I am a big believer in blog commenting for community building and search value. I was able to rank a new site on the first page of Google in 60 days using only on page seo and niche related blog commenting, so I’m sold.

    My concern about installing CommenLuv on my site is that the outbound links will reduce my site’s authority. It may be urban legend, but how do you address the issue. Quality link building is tough these days – Am I being selfish?

  • Most successful blogs out there are already using commentluv. I too am planning to buy the premium version. I like how it adds to the interaction and how it builds a bond between the blogger and its reader. If there are any disadvantages of using it, then i guess it is incomparable to its advantages.

  • I found GASP to be an impressive addition to the commentluv plugin that really made me want to choose it as my commenting system. Preventing spam is essential since I don’t want to have to moderate all sorts of auto generated comments.

  • I have seen many opinions and claims on the use of commentluv premium, but no hard data on how it has improved sites. I am a natural sceptic, and really would like to see some evidence that it really does boost a website.

  • Great Post. Very informative. This information should save many brand new internet marketers from making the common mistake of believing all the mis leading get rich quick schemes that are being advertised all over the internet. It is refreshing to read honest internet marketing information instead of all the false promises that so many blog posters write. Have A Wonderful Day Corine Miller

  • I am working on a web site and a blog. I am going to make sure I use commentluv premium for my word press blog. I have heard a lot of great things about this plugin. Thanks for the information.

  • I just downloaded Comment Luv and uploaded the plugin to my site. I’m excited to see if I get an increase in traffic!

  • Though i am using commentLuv on my website extensively still i strongly feel that this amount is little bit more.

  • Good stuff, I think we’ll have to take a look into CommentLuv very soon, as in right now 🙂

  • Commentluv really helps to drive more traffic to your site. I don’t why this is happening but it really works 🙂

  • commentluv is small plugin for word press and increasing traffic on your site.commentluv is very important for getting back links and to grow more quality back link to my sites.

  • I don’t know why nor can I say I totally understand it, I learn as I go but comment luv totally drives traffic to your site.

  • I agree, coment luv is great for a list of reasons but I did notice on one site I have that in comparison to the other without the plug-in, I see that they both get alot of the same type of blog traffic but I get more replies on the comment luv, but it is nice to see people engage, so…I never really thought of it that way, but yes, you’re right….

  • Thanks for this i will kindly keep Comment love in my blog too to see how i could attract even more comments but does it support blogger?becasue am just a started thats why i use Blogger.

  • Great Article.. I use comment luv too on my blog :)…. best regards, Henrik

  • Hi Di Tesco,

    Does commenting on comment luv blogs actually contribute towards SEO atall?

    • HI. If the blogs are dofollow, relevant and are considered authority blogs, then the links may carry some “juice”, thus helping a bit with your link relevance and link profile. It this case, it helps towards SEO

  • The good thing about enabling your blog with CommentLuv is that it gives the chance for more people to read your blog and comment on it. This will result in getting better communication among people and help in creating a good friendship.

  • CommentLuv is a really good tool for bloggers. Every blogger should make use of it. It not only increases the visibility of the blog, but it also facilitates communication between the commentators. All the people who have commented on CommentLuv will be able to see each other and share in formation. so, you can end up making good social contacts. Having an anti spam box or code is necessary to prevent irrelevant comments.

  • yes visitor are looking on CommentLuv now adays.
    but surprisingly KeywordLuv are ore secure than CommentLuv

  • there is one reason for me, there is no better commenting plug in, and will never be. this plug in not only give me a great commenting platform but also attract only serious bloggers to comment on my blog

  • Interesting. I’ve been debating whether or not I should use CommentLuv on my blog. Maybe I should install it.

  • CommentLuv Premium is currently on sale also, right now as we speak. Just another reason to give it a go if you haven’t already. I’m still undecided with the little money I make from my blog whether I want to pay for a comment section.

    • Hi. Well, not every decision is an easy one, but as you mentioned, CLP is now on sale and aside from offered as such a ridiculous price, Andy is giving away other premium plugins that are equally interesting. I’m guessing that after this one, perhaps only on “black Friday” or “cyber Monday” will Andy come up with another round of fantastic offer 🙂

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