Increase Followers, Get More Traffic And Make Money With This Twitter Plugin

I know that many of you will probably say that it is not possible to have a WordPress plugin that can do these things all together. I did too, until I stumbled upon this recent Twitter plugin, of which, provided with the right attitude, mindset, applying good Twitter ethics and heaps of imagination, can do wonders for you.

Twitter WordPress Plugin Marketing Tool

The plugin I am talking about is Tweet2Download (now available from the WordPress repository). The developers description of this tool is pretty much self explanatory, so here it is:

If you have a blog that provides downloads, this plugin is the perfect twitter marketing tool for you. Tweet2Download allows you to require a tweet and a follow in exchange for a download on your blog.

The plugin is well suited for blogs that offer ezines, software, code, design creatives, tutorials, audio files, videos, torrent files or any kind of download for that matter.

As you can see, it explains by itself. So, can you see where I am going with this now? Let’s exemplify:

  • If you are offering already something for free, say for your potential RSS or email list subscribers, just use it. Otherwise you can create a say a “cheat sheet” of something really good to entice your readers. How To, WP Hack, Marketing Techniques, whatever..
  • In this cheat sheet, include links to “different” places within your website (to attract traffic), and /or to some real juicy, proven, reliable products (affiliate links), where you can make money.
  • Provide the Tweet2Download button somewhere within your website or post. An interested user clicks on it, and will be provided with a tweet box where your message will have to be retweeted and at the same time follow you. Once that’s done, download begins.

Easy, and can be very effective. There is always a possible “domino effect” on this one so if you are interested, head over to the WordPress plugin repository and install this plugin. Before doing anything, please read these instructions carefully. You need to set up a Twitter app and obtain your API and consumer keys. It won’t work without this.

How To Use Tweet2Download?

  • Upload a file to wordpress (wp-admin -> Media -> Add New), make sure to tick “These files will be downloaded using Tweet2Download“

tweet2download 1

  • When editing a post, click the “Add Tweet2Download Button” icon (next to the “Upload/Insert” media icons)


  • Select the file you previously uploaded, and click “Insert Tweet2Download button into Post“


  • Change the shortcode to contain the tweet and follow you want, Publish! When a user clicks, presto!So

tweet2download review

Does Tweet2Download work?

Well, I just got Tweet2Download right now and installed it a few minutes ago, so I am counting on you to help me try it out. To give you an idea, I am providing you an ebook from Brian Clark of CopyBlogger.

Be advised, that this is just for testing purposes. Although this is the case, you might still be interested, considering that it is in fact free, and worth the read. Brian mentions: “This free report is yours with no obligation, registration, or email address required”. – So I guess I am safe ๐Ÿ™‚

The ebook: How to Create Compelling Content That Ranks Well in Search Engines by Brian Clark (alternative download link)

Included in this report:

  • Why SEO Copywriting Still Matters
  • How Search Engines Work
  • Why You Have to Spoon Feed Search Engines
  • The 5 Essential Elements of Keyword Research
  • How to Create Cornerstone Content That Google Loves
  • Five Link Building Strategies That Work
  • Five Areas to Focus On for Effective SEO Copywriting
  • Why Writing for People Works for Search Engines
  • How to Make SEO Copywriting Simple

Want to see this Twitter marketing tool in action and get Brian Clark’s free eBook? Hit the button below and let me know what you think about it? Your feedback is always appreciated. Remember, Tweet2Download is free and I am not getting paid for this. Just another way of helping you boost your online business.

UPDATE (from yesterday): Sell Your Content For A Tweet?

Following @Razvan comment below, version 1.3.0 has just been released and the plugin is now even better and solves the issue (if it was in the first place) of “not having” any products to give users to download (some users expressed this concern on the comment section). With new version, you can ask you users to pay with a tweet for your content too. In a nutshell, Tweet2Download “hides” a part of your content and will reveal the rest of it after a user has Tweeted and followed you. Cool, don’t you think? You can find examples of shortcodes here.

This makes the Tweet2Download plugin a very effective viral Twitter marketing tool, ideal for musicians, writers, marketeers, designers, programmers or anyone else that has free content on their blog. Thanks Razvan.


DiTesco is a Business and Inbound Marketing Consultant, and founder of iBlogzone's main objective is to help startups and small business owners achieve success in their online ventures. | More About Me and my Digital Marketing Services in SP Brazil.

33 thoughts on “Increase Followers, Get More Traffic And Make Money With This Twitter Plugin

  • Hi Ditesco,

    Looks very interesting and catchy. We can easily get followers and tweets will gain a lot of attention.

    I should try this out; but before that I should create a genuine product. OK this post got me to something useful.


    • Hi Jane. Glad you found this tool useful. Actually got me excited as I can think of a lot of ways to use it ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by and if you find other ways to use it, let me know. Will be definitely interested…

  • Hi DiTesco,

    This is indeed a very useful plugin. I actually saw quite a number of bloggers using equivalent plugins or tools for some of their ebooks/report etc

    Most important thing is to have something valuable for people. I believe most people will be willing to share. As long as we have a valuable product, this plugin is useful to generate more tweets and traffic.

    Thanks for sharing.


    • Hi Lye. I agree with you, the more something of value you have to offer, the better. Like you, I have also seen some other services around but the advantage of this tool, aside from being free, lets your readers offer you something in return, by Tweeting any message you may have and “following” you. Thanks for stopping by

  • Interesting. I’ve seen similar, but not with the follow option also.

    Awesome as long as people don’t expect to be followed back automatically.


    • You got a point there Dennis, and I think that those that think that way will not be of much value to you. Either way, you still get a “free” Tweet ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Spot on my man. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • This looks interesting especially as it provides an alternative for people who may not want to opt-in with emails to get a freebie – giving readers a choice would go a long way to make a report twice viral (with the tweet per downloader).

    Again the plugin button looks pretty. Will try it with one of my freebies.

    Thanks for sharing.

    • Hi Stella. Exactly.. sharp eye you got there. It is indeed a great alternative for people who do not want to optin but would still want to have your freebie. You still get some benefits with this plugin while making your visitor “happy” at the same time.

  • This plugin definitely does look interesting. Unfortunately, I don’t have anything to offer in terms of download, but I may be able to think up something to test out the effect of the plugin.

    One question (I’m not sure if it was covered), what happens if a person who wants to download the item doesn’t have a Twitter account? Does this mean they won’t be able to download the item?

    • Hi Paul. To answer your question, YES, if a user does not have a Twitter account, they won’t be able to use this method to download the item. Actually, if that is the case, then it will defeat the purpose of the plugin itself, don’t you think? The idea is to increase your followers based, extend your reach and by doing so, you are “rewarding” the user with a free “goodie” ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Hi DiTesco,

        That makes sense. I guess I was thinking about it from the perspective of ‘tweet and follow me’ and you can download this item”, instead of looking at it as “rewarding” the visitor with a free item.

    • Paul,

      the latest version (1.3.0) also allows you to hide parts of your article and reveal them in exchange for a tweet and a follow. There are a few examples of how to turn content into viral content here

      • Hi there. Thanks for taking the time to let us know about your recent update. I am sure that this addition will further “entice” user to make use of the plugin. That is really awesome and I have to find out abot that new feature. Sounds like a good idea too..

  • This seems like a quick and seamless way to increase followers and gain traffic DiTesco.

    Creative and cleverly designed. I also like the color scheme of the interface too.

    Thanks for sharing DT!


    • Hi Ryan. Yeah, I agree with you, it is indeed cleverly designed and the colors of the button do stand out. Pity it is not (yet) customizable. Properly used and “good” applied tactics, I believe it serves the purpose ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Actually, an update has been released yesterday (if I am not mistaken) and I don’t know if new features were added. Have to check it out.

  • If somebody offering useful tool without any cost which you could use in your daily rotten then i think without waste any time we should take it. Will really this tool help to increase traffic and followers ?

    • Hi Sam. Whether or not it will increase your followers, I can not ascertain. Just like email subscriber, they can do it just to download stuff and then unsubscribe. Here they can do the same, follow and then unfollow.

      The retention will depend much on what you have to offer and most importantly how you interact with your “new” followers from that point on. There are more than just one benefit so, I think it is worth trying. Like you said, no cost so nothing to loose, right?

  • I like it, it is a cute little way to entice people to follow you on twitter – this could be great for podcasts or software-of-the-day type blogs. I feel that this plugin would get better traction in the twittersphere if it didn’t require a follow to download, just a simple retweet-to-download should be enough to spread the word.

    • Hi Joe. That’s a good way of using this tool. Any type of downloads that you feel can be of value for a user will definitely blend well with this tool. As for just being “RT to download”, not so sure you can do that, but in the shortcode, if you remove your Twitter ID, it might do the trick. Then again, why do you want to do that?

  • Hi Francisco,

    Excellent information about an unknown plugin for me.

    Definitively I’ll have in my mind when I’ll share something – great combo to improve virally and also the twitter follower ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a great weekend – obrigado!


    • Hi Gera. Good to know that you found out about this awesome plugin through me ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy weekend to you too – De Nada, lol!

  • Looks Good Ditesco a great call to action tool and i think it definately will give the user more followers. Thanks for the heads up ditesco

    • Hi Gary. You are welcome. Used properly I too think that it is a great call to action tool and one that can bring many benefits ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by

  • Francisco mate!

    Thanks so much for sharing this incredibly awesome little plugin.
    This seems quite similar to the ViperChill one no?

    I definitely think it is a must addition to any blogger looking to increase their exposure online.
    I am seriously now going to create a free pdf just so I can use this plugin with it!

    I have the Brian Clark book and I already follow you so I won’t click it this time, but thanks so much for sharing it mate.

    Oh and the title was perfect. You hit every bloggers three soft spots with that one ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Hi Alex. I am really glad that you found this nifty little plugin useful. It is a nice addition to any blogger as you can “silently” put it anywhere within a post for example and won’t be intrusive. As a matter of fact I think that the image is pretty “good looking” and calls attention. So hopefully, it will provide you some added benefits. Let me know when you get that pdf file available ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by

  • Oh and I recently read about WordPressJunkies from James (element321) and it looks great!

    You and Michele must have been very busy ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Yeah! It is not as easy as it seems to set it up, but the most “complicated”” part is the promotion and having people jump on board. It is still very young and hopefully it will have its place one day.

  • Hi DiTesco,

    It is just perfect I had been looking a way to give my readers something but I didn’t direct downloads.

    This plugin will solve my problems..

    Thanks for sharing

  • Wow nice plugin!
    Too bad I don’t have anything to offer for download yet. ๐Ÿ™


    • Hi Jed. With the recent update you can offer just about anything (even a very popular article), but I am sure in no time you’ll something that you will be able to offer ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by

  • Hi, DiTesco
    Great tutorial, but I don’t think it will be beneficial at all, exactly the opposite.

    You have many people who are not using Twitter and who do not want to use their private account for promotional purposes. Again, how many people even have a small active group of followers whom read their tweets…?

    I think this will only cause annoyance and is completely necessary. A tweet in exchange for your product might seem fair, but just let them download it or use an email submit.

    Maybe I’m wrong, but that is what I think =)
    Regards, Toby

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