When I started thinking about writing an article for this contest in regards to traffic generation, I thought, “man…what else can we say about it already?!”
We have read article after article about how to drive traffic to our blogs and websites. The standards are always blog commenting, linking to others, forums, social media involvement, guest posting…and lions and tigers and bears!
I wanted to bring something a little different to the table and outside the box so to speak. And here’s the thing…what I did was outside the box for me, but maybe you have done this already. If so, kudos to you. But I found 3 things in the last two weeks that have driven fresh, new, targeted traffic to my own blog.
But first, a story. Yes, I know you all love stories. When I was in high school, I played softball. I actually played in grade school up through college. But back to high school… sophomore year, my team went through some growing pains. A new coach and new philosophies.
What we as a team did was basically resist the changes. Look, every coach has the same mission…to win games. It’s how to get there that each coach is different. So, after some humiliating losses, we realized collectively as a team, this guy might just know what he’s talking about. And what he is talking about is getting back to basics.
No matter what level you are at, the basics are never far behind. You can’t turn pro if you don’t know how to break up a simple double play at second. The same goes for your blog or online business. There are times when going back to basics will propel you further than you ever thought possible. We try so hard to re invent the wheel, that we forget the wheel works just fine the way it is. We just need to grease it every now and again to get it moving.
Traffic generation tactics are the basics. We can always expand the basics to make it work for us and give a new twist. So while I was racking my brain to come up with some ingenious strategy to bring to you, I realized going back to the tried and true methods would help me….if I could give it my own twist.
Google Real-time Search
So, first things first…run for the Google love. As I began playing around with Google search, I found Google Real-time search. I wrote a guest post about it for ComLuv which will give you more in depth information, but here is what I can tell you. If you are looking for the most up to the second results, real-time search is it.
If you type in real-time, “help with blog traffic,” you will be served up people right then and there looking for help with getting blog traffic. What do you do with that? Go to them!! Go help them…give them your words of wisdom and get yourself a new reader, hence drive this targeted traffic to your site. Read how it helped me more here:
● Find Blog Traffic In Real-time: Google Style
Bing Search
Then, I decided to try and expand on the basic search engine traffic strategy. I then went to Bing. WOW is all I can say about this. Let me try and explain this as easily as possible. Say you are in the dog lover niche and are looking for blogs to comment on. So, you go to Google (as close to 90% of people do) and type in “dog lovers.”
Google will return you their most relevant results. Well guess what, so will Bing. AND ALL SEARCH RESULTS ARE NOT EQUAL. Sure, there are a few sites that are the same…but in general, Bing will return results to you that are buried deep on Google SERPS….like pages 10 and 11 or more. It’s a known fact that most people don’t search much beyond page 2 of results.
Are you seeing the potential here? You are going to find blogs that are fresh blood visitors to your own blog. These are sites that are not being bombarded by people using Google for all their search results. And when we search the same keywords, we tend to come upon the same sites over and over. I did this for the term “traffic generation” and I found blogs that were amazing, but were virtually untapped sources of traffic for me.
I only tested this for a week, but out of using this strategy, I gained 4 new opt ins and 15 RSS subscribers. All from leaving comments on these blogs I had never heard of or seen before. Now, will it drive 1000′s of visitors a day? Maybe eventually, but more importantly, it drove laser focused, targeted traffic to me. Boo Yah! That is and should be, your ultimate traffic goal….conversion.
Try it for yourself, type your keywords in Bing and Google and analyze the results. You will see some similarities, but you are going to find new places to go, I guarantee it. Go and make readers out of these people!
Y! Traffic
And finally…I know you are thinking, thank God, she is about to shut up. This one is simple as well and one I just tried a few days ago. However, in 3 days, I picked up 3 opt ins from this, so I’m okay with that, because I know it works and I can grow that by continuing to implement this strategy.
If you go to Y! Contributor Network, formerly Associated Content, you can search keywords as well. Search “blog traffic” and a ton of articles are returned to you. Then, you can filter the results by publication date. Filter them so that you are returned the most recent articles from 2010 and 2011.
Now, you can comment on these articles AND leave your blog link as well. Most articles will have the author’s own blog linked and you can then go off and visit and comment there. I am sure this works with Ezine as well, but for me, I wanted to go to places not so saturated (my opinion is all.)
The Bottom Line
I think I have rambled on long enough. My hope with this article is that while you try to think outside the box, keep the basics in mind. Try to expand on what others have already succeeded with and you will find new traffic generation methods. There is no need to make this process so difficult on yourself.
Your turn…..did you search Google and Bing? What did you find?
Appreciate so much if you share this with your readers!
This article is part of the Traffic Generation Blogging Contest, please add a comment and share it to support the author.
John G.
Hot stuff Lisa, having multiple ways to drive traffic to your site is key for business and you have shed some light on a few things I have overlooked.
I like the link you shared on finding your blog traffic in real time through google.
Thanks again
Hi John:
Im glad you found some of my ramblings useful! I really enjoyed searching for some new tips and realtime search was very very cool to play around with!
Let me know how it works out for you!
Paul Salmon
Great tips. Using Bing and Yahoo to search for potential new readers is something many people probably don’t think about, myself included. Most people stop at Google, and don’t expand on their search horizon.
I myself did the same thing until I racked my brain for an idea! I also used some Google Analytics to realize Y! and Bing were being left behind in my visitors. Why not try and make those search engines happy as well and get some traffic?
Thank you for your feedback,
Hi Lisa, interesting idea to search Yahoo and Bing to get some different results for niche targeted blogs. I’ll be honest I’m far too lazy to search for blogs in search engines. I’ve always used blog engage to find blog I wanted to comment on and it’s been working amazing. I always get a comment back and its actual friends of mine.
But your right sometimes we have to think outside the box to find new blog readers and followers. Your example it exactly why I shouldn’t be lazy. 4 new opt ins and 15 RSS subscribers is a great example of success if you ask me.
Thanks so much for the suggestions
i read about the RSS program over at DragonBlogger so I am excited about looking into this.
Appreciate your comment!
Hi Lisa, yes Justin has been one of the first friends trying to help promote the program. I think the best part is the recurring commissions. As long as that customer is a customer we offer 25% commissions each month. As you know a few sales and you could generate some good extra cash pretty quick.
Wow Lisa, great post! If you don’t win that contest I will be SHOCKED!!!
I LOVE it when I learn new things and girl you just blew me away. Getting new fresh faces to our blogs is crucial. These are some great tips on doing just that and you can guarantee that I will be trying these tactics today! AND, I’ll definitely be sharing the love on this post. Also supporting you during this contest and I know you will come out on top!
You just rock girl!
Adrienne you rock star!! I always love your feedback. You are so inspiring!
I also appreciate your support. Means a lot to have an active community behind me! 🙂
All the best Adrienne,
Webmaster Blog
You can also try yahoo answers . Once you reach 2nd or 3rd level than you can post reference link of your blog and discuss regarding niche realted to you . Many user says that yahoo answers is also a good source for yahoo serp .
I have heard a lot about Yahoo answers…you can make money from that as well right?
sometimes, its all about following the basics but yes, thinking something out of box always helps 🙂
Hi Rahul:
yes indeed, back to basics WILL provide results!
Thanks for commenting,
Dan Reed@internet marketing secrets
Lisa, what a great post!
Obviously you came up with an outstanding traffic generation ploy that most would not consider, because Google is king and it’s all we, as bloggers, think about. I will take the time to try these out. I do have to say that your article is well written, with a touch of humor, well researched and most importantly, not the “same ole, same ole”.
Thank you and I wish you, as always, the very best!….:).
This is why I adore you!! 😉
Always so kind and uplifting…makes all of this worth it. I hope you find some benefits in using some of these methods!
Ana @ Get targeted web traffic
Well, I must say you came up with something I never gave a chance before… well, I wrote about it, but never bothered to actually do it. 🙂 typical…
My only concern would be. With sites like Associated Content, since they were hit by the last Google change.
Hi Ana:
You always practice what you preach my friend!! 🙂
I know that Ezine was hit (I wrote this before the Google bomb) but we’ll see if I continue to get traffic from AC.
Thanks for the support my friend!
Janet Callaway
Lisa, aloha. You are so right that when what you are doing isn’t working, go back to the basics and then move from there. Thx for the tip on Bing and Y! Contributor Network. I have to confess I never would have thought of either of those. Aloha. Janet
Aloha Janet!!
Thank you for the support and I like to think that sometimes, I give myself a kick in the pants to get back to basics.
When the basics work, why deviate?!
Cheers my friend,
Hi Lisa
Nice to see you over on DiTesco’s blog 🙂 I haven’t given Bing a go so will try what you suggested. I get a lot of organic traffic from Google, so this could be interesting. Thanks for sharing some helpful traffic generation tips with us Lisa. Appreciated.
Patricia Perth Australia
ALWAYS appreciate your support. And yes, the BIG G loves them some lavender Patricia!! 🙂
I am looking more into all the ins and outs of Bing these days! You know I will always bring the freshest info!
Thank you,
Michele Welch
“We try so hard to re invent the wheel, that we forget the wheel works just fine the way it is” – I love that line Lisa! It’s so true. Why start new, just build on what already works.
Some great tips you’ve shared here… love it! Will have to definitely look into the Bing suggestion. Very clever of you.
Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Thanks Michele! I am really starting to look at the benefits of Bing and how to optimize for it. Seeing as they teamed up with FB it might not be a bad idea!
Thank you for supporting my article!
TJ McDowell
I catch what you’re saying about doing something different. I don’t usually go to Yahoo or Bing myself to search. I’m pretty methodical about just going to my Google Reader for new blog posts. How often would you recommend going to Bing or Yahoo? It can’t be every day because you want to keep a strong presence on your fav blogs, but I could see doing it intermittently.
Hi TJ:
usually when I do my commenting…which is about 4 days a week, I will search some niche specific keywords in Google and then Bing. I look at Bing for the sites not listed in Google and head off over there to check them out. If they are quality blogs, I will leave my 2 cents!
I do the Y! Contributor network about once a week now that I know I got some results…but yes, Google is my favorite!
Hello Lisa,
You actually found something great. I don’t think I visit bing for more then 2 times a year, let alone search something on it, but you know made me think that returning different results means different perspective and of course different websites if you want to use them for link building or traffic generation.
Going back to basics is also something you should always do when you see that the things you are doing just don’t work anymore. So the best thing is to restart and begin from the very beginning .
Hi Alex:
Glad you found this useful! I decided that instead of trying to pull my hair out to find new tricks…I would go back to basics and put my own spin in it….and it worked!
I appreciate the feedback,
Karla Campos
Hi Lisa thanks so much for this article! I think your strategy above of going outside of Google is genius! I use Google all the time but I am not going to lie I also use Biing and Live and Yahoo and I like to see how I rank in each with my different keywords.
Perfect Karla!! Then you know that Bing and Yahoo can be little gold mines for us if we utilize it correctly!
Kudos to you!
Vivek Parmar
thanks for sharing this unique post. Having traffic is necessary without this no one can get anything from blogging
Happy to be of service Vivek! I appreciate your support!
Dennis Edell@ Direct Sales Marketing
Great stuff Lisa, I’ve never used real-time search, and honestly, I’ve never used Bing at all…thanks for the heads up! 😉
Hi Dennis:
RealTime is fabulous, I love it!! 🙂
Glad you liked it 🙂
Dennis Edell@ Direct Sales Marketing
I’m not sure when I would actually need it…..
Hi Lisa!
Geez, you’re just so smart;) As a new blogger, the whole concept of traffic generation can be a bit overwhelming. There’s so much information out there! But, your strategies are simple and I don’t have to research that topic and read 3 e-books to get the concept. Thanks for the tips!
I felt the same way and still do sometimes! I am glad I could help with my tips as I try to make them as practical and user friendly as possible!
Mavis Nong
Hey Lisa,
Spot on! Why reinvent the wheel, if we can just grease it a bit and get it working again?
Well done and thanks for sharing your experience with us. To be honest, I have never used Bing. I’m heading over there now 🙂
Good luck with the contest, Lisa!
Hi Mavis:
I am finding out a lot of useful stuff with Bing!!! Hope you are too:)
Hi there Lisa,
I am happy for you because you drive a lot of traffic from Yahoo and Bing
. We, from SEO field, find it hard to rank in Yahoo and Bing but I am sure that when we rank in Yahoo, we will rank in Bing also for these two big engines are search alliance. I always overlooked Bing search but I used Yahoo in search sometimes when Google need to clear my cookies. Anyway, you had a bunch of tips here. Thank you. I am going to apply these in my future projects.
Warmest regards,
Kira Permunian
Hi Kira:
I am just figuring out how to rank in Bing and Yahoo so it’s a work in progress!!! I am glad you got some use out of this! 🙂
Haha I was going to agree with you at the beginning when you said “What else could we possibly say about traffic?”
But you did it! Love the softball story to guide us into the meat of the blog post.
I think this is really out-of-the-box stuff because most people definitely don’t think about real-time search when it comes to traffic generation. I need to look into this some more.
I have always hated Bing with a burning passion, but your experience has me intrigued. I might give it a go! And I had no idea that Associated Content is now Y! Contributor Network.
Great strategies, all of which I have never heard much about before so I give this blog post an A+! Thanks Lisa!
Glad you liked it Elise!! 🙂 I never really gave Bing much thought either….but then it got pretty interesting while searching! 🙂
Melanie Kissell @SoloMompreneur
Hot! Hot! Hot!
You’re absolutely sizzling with this one, Lisa! All four of my daughters played softball — one of them for TWELVE years. Can you believe that?! So I was definitely enticed to read your article (contest aside) for the simple reason ‘softball’ was mentioned.
Hey … there’s a traffic generation idea … craft titles/headlines that grab people by the lapels and pull them in. 🙂
Very enjoyable post!
Awesome awesome awesome Melanie!!! Softball is where it’s at baby!
I do think we can draw people in with unique or even controversial headlines! I’m glad you liked the title and checked it out!! 😉
I must admit it was the “softball” in the title that drew me in, (& I don’t even follow softball!) – it was more wondering what the connection was. I’ve never made a habit or a study out of blog commenting, more I just stumble on them as I skip from blog to blog & comment if something “tickles” me, (or irks me). In fact I came on you from probably 4-5 blogs, I guess that’s why it’s called the INTERnet!
Rose @ Samui Art Gallery
Hi Lisa,
Great share, thank you. I too always skip Bing and Yahoo when searching for something on the internet, except if I can’t find it on Google then will look on Yahoo and Bing. Have used Yahoo Associated Content for article distribution but never thought of leaving comment. Thank you for another bright idea and good luck with the contest. 😉
Hi Rose:
Glad you found some use for it! I had always used AC for articles too and didnt consider I could drive traffic with my comments there.
Appreciate your support,
Gibson Goff
Well, don’t I feel like the big doofus?!
I must admit, I have never even opened BING, and do very, very little with Yahoo. I don’t like how severely filtered the results are that they present you. But, that was when I needed to find things by way of search engines. I was the quintessential information seeker. Never the ‘resources’ seeker.
Now I can see my focus was 180 degrees from where I need it. I can actually benefit from the non-google search experience. Go back to searching, but look at the results different, go back to the basics, and understand the results differently.
What did you say the name of that coach was, Lisa?
LOL Gibby! My coach my coach!! :0
I never ever considered Bing or Yahoo until I decided to seek out how the search engines were ranking different sites. Then it just sort of became cool to investigate everything!!
Michael MrTechnical Hewitt
Hello Lisa, interesting and informative! Topical and timely for those of us who are contributors on Associated Content which was recently merged with Yahoo! I say timely because there was a recent “adjustment” made in how Google ranks web pages, and they are giving very low placement to sites which Google thinks are “Content Farms” which AC-Yahoo! is definitely not. Love the pictures in the article, is that your car??? Thanks!
LOL Michael, could you imagine rollin around in that car??!!
I do love Y! Contributor and would love to read some of your stuff so send me a link!!!
Michael MrTechnical Hewitt
I am very interested in learning more about the nuances of both blogging and linking… appreciate your interest in my articles and other content.
here is the link to my front page:
I have won a few awards writing quite a few articles plus videos and slide-shows. although some days these awards get me about the same respect as the leg lamp received in the movie Christmas Story.
the stint i did with the DeWalt articles made me some decent $$ but that was a short term project. so i would like to step up my reads in any way that i can. i am tinkering with Yahoo! Answers, and it seems to be getting me a bit more traffic.
glad my car comment makes you smile, and thanks!!
Looking forward to checking out your brilliance!! 🙂
Riley Harrison
Hi Lisa,
Speaking of Bing search. I dropped for whatever reason from page 10 to page 23 when I googled the name of my website (getting-unstuck). I thought (just for giggles) I would do the same search on Bing. I was the 3rd listing on page one. Is this explainable or is my ignorance of SEO showing. I just assumed that all search engines used roughly the same algorithm. I guess not.
Hi Riley:
The Google update may have affected your site rank a bit…I think a lot of thigs got jumbled around with that. And that’s the thing…..we spend so much time SEO’ng our sites for Google, that we forget aout Bing.
People still use Bing to search and with Bing teaming up with FaceBook, they will only become stronger . If we can get in the top spots on Bing, why not utilize that and grab that % of the search pie?!
Thanks for commenting Riley and a big woot! for your ranking on Bing. 🙂
All the best,
HI Lisa, I loved the article, and you are so right about thinking outside the box. Many of us do go around with blinders on and focus on our one-track mind with the almighty Goog!
This article was (insert adjective) amazing! I will definitely share it… sorry I was a bit late on the take here.
I have a lot of faith in you and I’m in awe of your tenacity!
Thank you Jayne! And I appreciate your support no matter early, on time, late….you always make it worhwhile!! 🙂
I am trying to figure out more tips and tricks with Bing just so I can bring it to ya’ll. Like I told Riley up above your commen…why not grab a % of the Bing search pie?! Who’s hungry???
Talk soon,
Byron Fernandez
Thank you for connecting, sharing and engaging since my blogosphere debut only a little over a month ago! I appreciate your support, reposting and contributions to my personal and career growth.
But enough about me lol. Your expertise with generating traffic leads is extensive and certainly valuable. Being the new kid on the block, I still have a lot to learn (especially Bing…been catching some of the buzz but haven’t had much time to explore recently).
I’ve mainly been using Google Webmaster Tools and Reader (love Reader Flow), as well as Quora for monitoring and generating inbound links, leads, etc. The majority of my R&D has been facilitated, nurtured via PR 20/20, a HubSpot partner firm/client in Cleveland. Other helpful platforms have been Huffington Post Social, FriendFeed and Gravatar. Always new toys for the techgeeks at heart haha.
Keep me posted on new developments with the contest and until then Happy Binging/blogging 🙂
TopRankMarketing Education features Getting Lost to Find Answers>>http://ow.ly/4hW0h
TopRankMarketing Media features:
Why Jennifer Aniston And I Are Two Peas in a Pod (And Other Ramblings of a Nostalgic) >>http://ow.ly/4hW0Q
Byron Fernandez
Lol I misspoke, it’s called Reader Play, not Flow. Flow’s just one of my favorite words and I’m A.D.D
Thanks so much for the support and awesome feedback!! And I love “flow” to…as in hustle and flow baby!!
I think your comment just gave me a great idea for a post over on my blog, so I appreciate that. New toys, tips and tricks are what I thrive on.
As for being the NKOTB(LOL), you are making your name known and getting out there with your engagement of the social world. KUDOS.
Any way I can hel, don’t hesitate to let me know!
Byron Fernandez
Um —
Top Voices
3rd position >>Lisa (28)
!!! Fabulous.
2) Look forward to seeing the toys, tricks and tips post! #techGLEEKS
3) Thanks for linking back Lisa (baby girl, you da shhh…that makes you my equivalent… 😉
I love it Byron!!! However, what is this #28 you speak of?! Where can I see this??
Byron Fernandez
Bottom of this page, leftmost corner under TOP VOICES 🙂
Hi Lisa,
Good tips and I have used Bing in the past to see if people are using different keywords or searching differently than when they use Google. After testing it there are some differences. I did the usual and bookmarked to go back and comment on the articles but must confess I didn’t. Your article here is a good reminder to act and not bookmark.
Good luck with the contest.
I really was amazed at the differences between the two search engines. I expected to see all the same results, but was pleasantly surprised to find new places to haunt…er…I mean stalk! 🙂
Glad you found some use from my article!
Hi Lisa!
I recently did an interview with a few online marketing experts for an article about Google’s Panda Update. All of them said the same thing: take Bing seriously!
Frank Kern and his cousin Trey had a program they put together a couple of years ago called “Screw Google,” and basically it showed how to utilize MSN (back then) and Yahoo search engines and forget about Google slaps and their high-priced PPC’s. It was a really great program!
Now, I have to admit here that I forget about Bing all the time. After the interviews I held, and now your article, I’m definitely not going to make that mistake again!
And with Bing partnering up with Facebook, I truly think they are on their way to becoming a force. Thats why I want to optimize for them now and grab that top spot while I can!!
Thanks for your support!
Bill Dorman
Ok, I was following the softball story……….
This is going to sound silly and you will probably think; what is the point, but I’m not really looking for traffic yet. Talk about basics, I do have a twitter account, engage with some pretty incredible people, and have a WordPress acct but it is only one step away from basic.
This is recreational for me so I’m trying to see if it has sustainability before I make the effort to people pimpin’ my stuff out there.
I hear you are the best and very, very helpful. I certainly know where to go when I get my big boy pants on. I don’t think I want to be quite as invisible as I am, but I’m ok to still be testing the water.
Have patience my dear…………:)
I love that you said big boy pants!! 🙂 I also appreciate your kind words. I think sometimes the most successful people are those that watch and learn first….and then implement. I like that you are having fun with it too! Sometimes we forget to do that.
Appreciate the support,
Cosmin Stefan
Hello Lisa!
Just wanted to say one thing. The search engine market share in 2010 was like this:
Google – 71.59%
Yahoo – 14.28%
Bing – 9.87%
Yahoo + Bing = about 25%. That’s one quarter of your potential traffic from search engines.
You are right keep both of them in mind.
All the best! Cosmin.
You broke it down perfectly! How can we turn our back on 25% of the lions share?! Thanks for putting the numbers out there!]
Monica Svenmarck
Well, Lisa, this is why I just started following you. You’ve got the skinny on how to make this blogging process work. Thanks!
Thank you so much for the kind words! I appreciate the support and hope to help you every step of the way!
Michael Bowers
Thanks for taking the usual approaches to driving traffic and adding some new twists. I’ve recently started to pay attention to traffic generation and all I could ever find is the same old same old which is the best approach but itnalways helps to look at how to make the approach better and you have helped in that effort.
I think as long as we can put our own spin on old tricks,…we can make progress and learn. Thank you for your feedback and support.
Cheri Allbritton
Lisa, now I remember why I recently followed you on Twitter (I’m @ArveyColumbus…a local store acct of my employer but content is all mine). This is one of the best blogs I’ve read in a while (and I read a lot of them). Great information regarding Bing vs. Google.
By the way, I don’t mind DMs on Twitter and I just started blogging personally a few weeks ago. As much as I didn’t set out to be, I find that I’m a story teller too. My posts don’t start out that way, then all of the sudden a story just comes flowing out!
Good luck with the contest. You are awesome!
Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate that. I usually dont intend to tell stories, but like you…boom, thats what happens!! Glad you liked it and thanks for your support!
Barry R. Silver
Thanks for sharing. As someone starting a new site and blog this is way of prospecting for followers. (Guess I just emphasized new). This post is a big help for me and hopefully will spur me to look for other associated ways to seek followers.
Hi Barry:
I think finding alternate resources for building traffic when we first start out can help us tremendously. That way our new venture doesn’t get lost in a sea of sites out there in the mainstream!
Thanks for your feedback,
I’ve always liked the idea of visiting blogs that get less attention. We have all been there hey! This is a great way to find those places.
I appreciate your support!! I think it’s crucial for smaller blogs to step out of the box and find some new traffic!!
I, too, am guilty of ignoring Yahoo and Bing. Now you have me curious and I’m going to do some searches to see if I find any new blogs I didn’t know about. Great stuff Lisa!
Tracy Ingram
Lisa, great article I think most of us do forget about Yahoo and Bing. I would rather have targeted traffic that converts better. Tracy