When it comes to making money online, the fastest growing trend is to start a blog, write quality posts, bring people to your blog and make money through your blog. It’s that simple!
Now, when we realistically look at it, this is the pattern we have to follow, but is it really so easy? Our imagination makes it look so easy, but when we begin the work, we learn that it requires lots of work and efforts.
Do You Really Have Time or You Only Think You Will Spend Enough Time on Your Blog?
If you plan to spend maximum 4 to 6 hours a week writing and promoting your blog, then the hard truth is that you shouldn’t start a blog. You can’t create a successful blog without spending much, much more time than that.
“Yes…I can do it” Attitude:
It’s good to be confident, but it’s not good to be over-confident. In the world of blogging, the more honest you are to yourself, the better your results will be, because only then you will be able to come up with a realistic and effective strategy.
Realize This: It Takes Time to Establish Your Blog:
You don’t want to bring people to your blog just once, but you rather want them to come again and again. What will make them like your blog, visit frequently or even join your mailing list is the quality of your content and knowledge that will allow them to learn new things and, consequently, they would want to come again and again.
Writing Quality Posts Takes Time:
In order to write quality posts in a nice and attractive manner, you will have to conduct some research. Also, when you share powerful information, you have to share it in a nice and smooth way as well. Spending lots of time on research and then writing haphazardly will mess up the post. It’s the combination of quality research and quality writing that can make all the difference.
But, then, it’s not something that can be done in a matter of minutes only. You have got to spend quality time to write quality posts. If you think that you will be able to update your blog frequently with new and quality content, then you need to seriously analyze your claim that if your claim is realistic in terms of having enough time in hand or you are just imagining as you are excited.
Realize This: It’s Not Easy to Promote Your Blog:
A lot of newbies think that after they write a new post, they will only have to Digg and Stumble it to bring quality traffic. This perception is not 100% correct. We can only wish it was so easy. It takes time to even create your presence effectively on social media sites. You will have to spend several hours a week to promote your blog effectively.
Remember, your blog won’t become famous automatically. Just as you will have to spend lots of quality time to promote your offline business or shop, the same way you will have to spend tons of time to promote your online presence, i.e. blog.
It’s Good to Imagine, But…
There is nothing wrong with imagining yourself as a successful blogger, but you need to come up with a realistic plan that will turn your dream or imagination into reality. Hard work and persistence will be required to accomplish that.
What are your thoughts?
How much time do you spend writing and promoting your blog?
Ben..some people just don’t know how much time is really put into making an post..it will just take about 5hr a week to write just 3 post..not including marketing..
“Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”
Nguyen Trung
Actually I also think that blogging is not easy, when I started blogging also faced many difficulties, one of the most difficult problem is how to increase traffic and marketing for it.
Ben Johnson
yaa true, writing a good article takes time, however if you are a professional and experienced blogger and you plan things or you have a clear vision over the subject you are going to write then it takes least time for sure.
thanks for commenting Coleman 🙂
Great points you Ben. Hard work and persistence is the reality of blogging, while spending a few hours a week and seeing great results is the imagination world of blogging. Thanks for sharing your insights.
Ben Johnson
thanks for commenting
The problem we have today is that there are so many sites out there promoting how easy it is to make money on the net. They tell you all you need is a website or a blog and the money will start rolling in. Just the other day I got an email from a A Lister, from which I have now unsubscribed, telling me that for a measly $49 he will sell me 50 niche sites or something of the sort and once I get it online all this money will come in.
Really? How will those sites get traffic? And if I was stupid enough to get sucked in then I’d be competing against all those others who were foolish enough to buy in. Honestly, if he was making that much money why bother selling it to me at all? I’ll tell you why, because that’s how he’s making his money.
You nailed this one Sire and I will maybe even make a post about it 🙂 I receive countless emails form all this “famous” people and today I got one that even offers, an iPad, a full blogging course (installed in the iPad) and an autograph, which according to the guy is priceless (maybe when he’s dead, lol). The product is suppose to be a “killer” marketing, blah, blah and sells for a measly $2.967. Funny where these guys sets their prices 🙂 Anyway, you are right, most of the time, these powerful money making systems are the ones that do make money for them
What is really surprising is that so many people fall for it. What is sad though is that they then try to get some of their money back by promoting the same product.
Very thoughtful post. Yes, I agree. You need to be living in the real world. And the sooner the better. I can see that people tend to expect too much with the blogging in the initial phase especially if they are blogging to make money. Yes, it comes but it requires a whole lot of effort to to see it in real. I have experienced the same and still, I am in the learning stage. At times, I am also taking it very lightly and putting in very less effort but I am expecting far more better results. Need to work more hard and smart 😉
In a crowded niche you have to spend hours writing really first class content each day over maybe a year if you want to get some traffic your way and the sooner or later I expect it to be this difficult also for smaller niches, until a new technology replaces this one.
for me, the hardest part in blogging has been my inability to promote my blog effectively..
Sire is right, the conception that building a blog and just writing a couple of posts can bring big wealth is wide spread on the internet because of the multitude of “gurus” that preach this.
Like any other job out there or business, blogging and building a strong blog is hard and takes time. You have to dedicate a big chunk of your time only to write posts, not to mention promoting, interacting with others, building connections and last but not the least researching the subjects you have to write about or what are the new trends on the internet.
Justin Davis
I am not sure I agree that you shouldn’t start a blog unless you are prepared to spend a lot of time on it. It depends on whether you need a huge audience in order to achieve your goals. Sometimes a smaller audience of people who are deeply engaged can be more valuable than a huge audience who are loosely engaged.
Ben Johnson
Ya Very True, Social Network also play an important role, you can engage smaller but target number of Audience by it.