Is Google’s AdSense Really Worth It?

Have you stopped to think that the reason why you are not making money with Google AdSense is maybe because it is not the program that is not performing well, but rather the way you use it and going a bit further, your own website? Yeah, AdSense is not good for useless and low quality sites. Unless you can create thousands of MFA (made for AdSense) sites that each generate some dollars a month, then you might just get away with. Other than that, I have my doubts.

I know that you are here reading this because you are an avid reader of my blog, lol. That being the case, you should know that I do not provide income reports like many others do. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think there is anything wrong with doing that. As a matter of fact, if properly presented, it might just be a source of inspiration for those who want to see what a specific blogger is making money with, and within the process learn something from it. In my case, I prefer to show them individually, meaning, when I write something about a topic, I will show my earnings only for that purpose (when relevant). Anyway, this is what is due to me this month from Mr. G.

Google Adsense Earnings

Inspiring, is it not? I know of other people people who make more than this on a monthly basis, like Lisa of 2createawebsite (I love her advices, specially her new Niche Website Success ebook). Bigger sites obviously are out the equation as we don’t want our tiny blogs to be compared with the big ones :). But to me, this is great and keeps me motivated. So, to answer the question, Yes, done properly AdSense is a great source of income. Notice that I did not put a “passive” in front of income, because passive normally relates to “autopilot”, “not doing a lot”, and so on. This may work for some lucky few, but in general, trust me, this is not the case for most of us – effort is required.

Now, next obvious question is where? Where do I make these AdSense earnings from? Well, I can tell you right now that iBlogzone only represents 25% of these earnings, and that is only after I implemented some changes, in accordance with some few stuff I learned from Lisa, Hesham and Brankica. So to show you that not all niches are “qualified” candidates for making money with AdSense. There you go again with knowing how to pick the right niche.

Secrets To Making Money With AdSense

OK, No magic formula for this one. There are many systems out there that will tell you that they can help you create a niche site in less than 5 minutes. Sure that is true, but one thing is creating sites, and the other is to actually make money from them. You need to work on the quality of your website and drive traffic to it (preferably organic – so is applying best SEO practices important?). If you heard about placement targeting, you should know that this is the option where advertisers can choose where they want their ads to show up. Normally, this is where the bigger CPC’s come from.

In addition, you need to place those ads where they can be seen but not the “in your face” kind of thing. You have to work on target placements (as mentioned above), filtering categories, research for good keywords (decent CPC), many trial and error, track your performance with custom channels, and the list goes on. As you can see, it is not just copying and pasting code, hoping for the best. People are already “blind” with so many ads so they have to be happy when they find your site. Show them great content, make your site compelling and you just may get surprised.

AdSense Tips For Ads Placements

To get you started, I got a whole bunch of articles related to AdSense, so just browse on those and you may just get a few tips here and there.

The following articles are a good place to start:

There you have it. Done properly, there is money to be made with Google AdSense, and I hope that this can serve as a source of inspiration for you. Rather than saying, AdSense being this, or AdSense being that, stop, strategize, implement, and put in the effort. I know that it will not work for everyone. There are those who succeed with it, and unfortunately, there are those who don’t. The question is, which side do you want to be in? Take “action”, and go, go, go.

And remember, SEO is always a good form of getting traffic to your site. If you have a SEO team working for you tell them that it is convenient to load your SEO software onto a hosted Desktop from, and access from anywhere with the device you like. To improve collaboration among your SEO team, try Cloud based SharePoint from .


DiTesco is a Business and Inbound Marketing Consultant, and founder of iBlogzone's main objective is to help startups and small business owners achieve success in their online ventures. | More About Me and my Digital Marketing Services in SP Brazil.

86 thoughts on “Is Google’s AdSense Really Worth It?

  • Hi DiTesco

    This is so on topic for me. Was just reading an article today about Adsense and then I saw your post in my Twitter stream.

    Wil lcome back and check out the other articles you recommend too. Getting late here and I have a busy morning so trying to be sensible and not be up after midnight!

    Thanks for your honest appraisal and as you are actually making money with Adsense; someone we can take note of.

    Patricia Perth Australia

    • Hi Patricia. I am really a strong advocate of AdSense and you may probably see why. I do have to admit that getting there is not easy but with the right mindset and some tweaks here and there, it can be done. It really works pretty good on certain “topics” and that is by far, IMO, the most important aspect to making a decent amount of money from their program. Obviously, the site needs traffic for it to be worthwhile 🙂

      I take that by doing some research about the subject, you are thinking of “diving” in the program?

      • I am so putting Adsense on Patricia’s site soon. I’ve talking her into it for months now. I know she will give up on saying NO 🙂

        • LOL, Patricia is a though “cookie”.. She did learn quite a bit since I first met her and I see that you have been a great help to her. Why not tell her to give it a shot for a month or so and see how it goes. You can always take it down 🙂

  • Hello,
    actually i read article by looking it to the title. rightly said by and completely agree with you. the same problem is with me also. to be frank i am not getting even 5$ a month from the adsense on my blog and till now i am not getting how people are making tons of money with adsense. i know there are problem with me and my site but need suggestion from someone who can guide me in this.

    • Hi Jeet. I just saw your site and I think that you have a good thing going there. Have you tried different placements? If I may, and this is just a suggestion, having the ad before the post may not be a good thing in your case because you do want people to read your post first. If they are interested in what you have to say, the most likely scenario will be to red the post and the further down they go, your ad, despite being above the fold, disappears. Try putting it somewhere in the middle and perhaps use a variation of text and image, with different sizes such as 250X250. Create a custom channel so you can monitor its performance. That’s just about the best way to see how things can work for you. Good luck!

      • Thank you for your suggestion. i will definitely try it out. btw your blog inspires me lot to do new things and to think in different manner.
        Thank you.

  • For me adsense is essential, my sites struggle to make any other revenue from anything other than adsense. I’ve even tried different ad networks and none of them provide the returns that adsense does, for me it’s just the best one out there!

    • Hi Robert. Glad to meet another advocate of AdSense. I really like working with them, but I obviously do not ignore other “income” opportunities. AdSense work well for sites that have good amount of organic traffic… Thanks for stopping by

  • It certainly worth it but in our niche it’s not the best advertising option because people have learned to ignore adsense ads.

    Affiliate links and selling advertising space is much more rewarding but if a blog is not in the “make money online” niche it can make a lot of money thru adsense…

    • I agree, Kostas, that other forms of income work better on our type of “niche”. However, if your site gets a decent amount of organic traffic, it pays off because our niche , despite everything, has good CPC and that compensates with the lower CTR. I always say, every bit counts, so a bit here and a bit there piles up 🙂

      On a side note, you are right about one thing. AdSense performs way better in other types of niche 😉

  • Adsense is defiantly the best option but I like Chitika also. Adsense fill rate is great and with the correct optimization it can produce great results. Chitika is great if your organic traffic is coming to look for some product. I use both of them on my site (Chitika on selected pages or post only).

    • Hi Sanjeev. I used to run Chitika some time ago but for some reason it did not work very well for me. I noticed that the “earnings per click” were very low and it was not really interesting to me, despite the ads only showing up for visitors that come via search engines. Good to know that you are doing well with Chitika. Any particular secrets to make it perform better?, lol I can always test it again 🙂

  • That’s great dude want to trade sites for a month? Just kidding. I have tried tons of different locations, sizes, formats, colors, you name it. Not only on just one site, but a few different sites. It never amounts to anything that great. Not anywhere near yours for sure. I would be happy with a lot less than what you posted there. At least there hope and you screen shot verifies that you can certainly make decent money with Adsense. I’ll keep dreaming.

    • LOL Ray, I would trade with you but the I have to … haha, just kidding. Seriously, it took me a while before I started to see some decent results and I will tell you right now that my best of the best is an ad placement in-post on the right hand side. Format is 250X250 and use both text and images. It works well on my niche sites. I guess I found a good niche 🙂 Keep it up mate, eventually you will find the “sweet” spot. Good luck!

  • Hey Buddy, of course I want on the winners side 🙂

    This is great, very impressed by your Google AdSense results!

    I can simply say that Google AdSense is a way much better than most of other advertising platforms and services out there, and as you said compelling content and ads placements is what makes a difference in your earnings.

    The most interesting thing about online advertisements is that every single blog or website has its own finger print, so what works for you maybe won’t work for me, the key here is testing out several placements till you find the one that works best!

    Good job DiTesco

    • Thanks Buddy. Indeed, testing, testing and more testing is what it sometimes takes to see which one works best. As I mentioned, most of my AdSense earnings are from my other niche sites and only 25% of that result comes from here. Still I can’t complain, considering…

      I agree with you though, AdSense is IMHO the best in comparison to other similar programs. I tried them all, but none comes even close 🙂 Good to see you here …

  • Okay DiTesco, I am just one of those many readers who keep on coming back to your blogs for some unknown reasons. Ha ha. Google adsense can really be such a pain if you don’t know how to play with it. But given the time, you’ll earn more than enough from it. I’m off to reading those other related articles, though and I’ll let you know what I think about them.

  • I’ve made some money with adsense, but to be honest I’ve found much better money with direct ads. The benefits for this are obvious.. upfront pricing, no revenue splitting with another company, and building your own lasting relationships with advertisers. I’m working on removing adsense from my site to try other methods like highly targeted affiliate ads on certain pages as well.

    • Hi Tabby. Direct ads are indeed a great form of monetizing a blog, and the benefits are clear. properly distributed, I think one can have both 🙂 In addition, direct ads normally works better for high traffic and authority blogs…

  • Really great article! Thanks for the mention. 🙂 It’s amazing how people think they can just put up a site and it will make money just ’cause. Whether it’s AdSense, affiliate marketing, you name it, if there’s no quality, your earnings will always be limited.

    • Hi Lisa. Can’t agree with you more… This is probably one reason why many quit early on AdSense or any other business model. They want it fast and a lot of it.. Not a bad thinking really, sadly, it ain’t easy and only those that are really determined can make it. Thanks BTW for your valuable contributions.. I am one of those who implement “things” that I learn 🙂

  • I think many website owners do not truly understand how the AdSense ads work with their page content.

    Many people say that the ads don’t match their website market niche, but if you look at their site, the keywords are confusing and all across the board. No focus, no proper ads, no AdSense, no AdSense profits.

    As with anything in internet marketing, it takes time, hard work and diligence.

    More good info DiTesco as always.

  • After getting rejected twice, I’ve stopped applying for Adsense now. Nuffnag, chitika and other affiliates are good too.

  • Francisco, this is a great post. Thanks for the mention!

    I’ve removed Adsense from my blog but will probably run more tests on it later. I do make great money with Adsense on my niche sites, just because they are more keyword targeted. Also, when I have Adsense on my blog, it for example displays Aweber ads on my email marketing pages which is not what I want, when I am trying to get people to sing up to Aweber through my links 🙂

    • Hi Brankica. I know what you mean about AdSense sometimes “colliding” with pages that you are promoting. The way I go around that in one other site I have is by using “dynamic widgets”. This widget allow me to “select” only where the ads will display. Actually the widget can be used for many things, but this is one to do it. Give it a try and see if that works for you. I know you “avoid” plugins but I don’t see much ways around it 🙂

  • I’m a new subscriber to your feed. Great content!

    I use AdSense in our online directory and have recently added them to the resource area of my niche website. So far, I’ve received only minimal revenue from AdSense. I’m concerned about putting ads on my blog as I don’t want to detract from my primary goal – getting leads for my business.

    • Hi Denise. I think that in your case, it may not be wise to run AdSense as it may show ads from your competitors. One way to go around that, is to eventually filter out the category which is most relevant to your site to avoid competing ads from displaying. Obviously it is still a risk and as I said, AdSense works in some sites and not on others. Your case is a good example. After all, if you are marketing specific “stuff” on your blog, it does not make sense to show other alternatives for your visitors 🙂

  • Thanks for the feedback. My sentiments exactly. BTW, loved you SEO plugin posts!!!

  • How do you get so much money with only 5K visits per month? LOL

  • Nimsrules, just because you got rejected twice from adsense doesn’t mean you should quit. I got rejected only once and i started 3 sites and all 3 sites got approved a week later and to make matters even Better, google allows already approved people to freely place their adsense code on any website that they own without needing additional approval as long as it conforms to the standards of Google Adsense program. I trust google adsense because I know Google is a huge rich and well known company that won’t cheat pay and will pay people on time. I run 2 dating sites and Movies Dig which is a movie information and entertainment news site like Imdb and Rotten Tomatoes.


  • Nice article and I find that the adsense is good but too much traffic is required . But affiliate sell is best one to get descent amount of money . For example hostgator affiliates. 🙂

  • Earnings via adsense have decreased considerably. Alot of factors are being added, per page ad-count, IP’s, fonts, location, content embedding. I have had an adsense account for 5 years ALOT and I must say ALOT has changed since the time I initially started using it.

    I do think that it is a great feature and if you add it with infolinks and other marketing tools you can really get alot out of it.

  • Great article about AdSense. Adsense is a good choice if we have good traffic.

  • Qualifying for AdSense approval is hard and even harder is to earn descent amount of money from it.. there are many alternatives but that are also worse than AdSense ,, affiliates can be another useful; way to get money from your Blog..

  • Hey Men, Superb Article !

    I’m a big fan of adsense and can you please take some of your time to visit ma site and tell me can i apply adsense for the following site ?

    rite now i’m using adbrite and its good 🙂

    Make more articles like this dude and by the way i came here by lisa’s tweets 😛

    • Hi. Your site appears to be new. Do you have an AdSense account? If you do, I recommend using it instead of AdBrite.

  • Really great article! I used to make $30 a day with adsense, I just dont know what happened that now I am making only $10 …. it has been like that for a few weeks … I am looking for a solution, thank you for sharing this great article!

  • hi,
    I am using Google adsense since 1 and half year and found it is the best advertising program ever.I had tried lots of other advertising network but I feel adsense is something different.Till date I have earned lots from adsense and trying to earn more from it.
    Thanks for sharing.

  • For those of you who are not earning much or very little on adsense i advice you not to give up because i have been down that road before. Some people click their own ad out of frustration which leads to google banning them because google is too sophisticated to be cheated. I Adive reading blog legend Amit Agarwals article on integrating adsense ads at the heart of your content to maximize your revenue which has worked greatly for me at my site which is a wordpress based movie site. That adblock browser plugin is a threat to all of us who earn an income from ads but thank most people are not techy enough to know about it.

    • That’s so wrong, My advice is not to waste your time with adsense. Why do you want to build a publishing business based on adsense income and google traffic. It sounds like a house of cards to me…

      Just ask

      • Hi Dany. I respect your point of view and AdSense, as with any other forms of monetization may work for some and not for others. I do understand that relying on a business model where you depend on organic traffic can be tricky and risky for that matter…

  • WoW, that’s a huge income. Congo 🙂 Adsense is the best Advertising program.

  • Nice Adsense results there, Francisco.

    Though, as you pointed out Iblogzone accounted for only a 1/4 of that figure. So, I am guessing you work Adsense in with your many other projects, as part of a broader(Multiple income streams) set up.

    This is something I have noticed on many sites. Adsense seems to be more often a part of a much larger picture. Though, more-so due to it’s ease of use(after appropriate tweaks) and it’s potential for reasonably consistent

  • I work for eReview.CO product and review site and evaluating the pros and cons of using direct vs ad sense. Please post your thoughts of comparing these two advertising method. Thanks

  • I completely agree with you. Every word you said about Google Adsense is true. Google Adsense deserves a 5 star rating. Its the best way to monetize ads on a blog and pays the highest in front of other ad networks like Chitika.

    Top sites are also using adsense and I think adsense is the best way to earn max money from your blog/website.

  • Hi DiTesco

    Thank you for writing such a great blog, I am realtively new to Adsense and I have started a brand new blog about alley cats in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I know its not really a niche or commercial subject but I love these cats, hardy and tough felines but to those who show kindness to them, they are also very friendly.

    Please have a look at my site if u have time and if u don’t mind some comments on the proper ad placements for Adsense. I would greatly appreciate it and so will the cats :p

    Best Regards always

    Nick Dean

  • $1400 per month with adsense is ace, I know you probably don’t need the reassurances when that size of check is landing in your account every month – but indeed I’ve been in the industry for a while now, and am not even close to getting that much via Adsense. My problem is traffic – leadership just isn’t a very traffic-heavy nice.

  • I totally agree with you that making money through Adsense take some work and frankly it take me a lot of work. Not sure how many sites make passive income through Adsense because from my experience it’s not easy.

    You have to be sharp and always innovative to make your site more attractive to users. Great blog! And yes it is possible to make some descent money through Adsense.

  • I’m thinking of applying Adsense to my website. Is $1,448.71 a typical monthly income for iblogzone?


    • Hi Bill. The answer to your question is NO. It is a typical income of mine indeed but on all of my sites (40+). iBlogzone contributes on average 30-40% of this total.

  • I haven’t been able to get my adsense to grow beyond $3.00 per month. I’m going to bookmark your site now, so I can refer back to improve my stats…thanks a ton!

  • Wow! really inspiring indeed. By the way, how many websites do you actually run to come up with that kind of figure per month?

    I heard Lisa is running 5. I’m not sure is that’s true or not.

    • Hi Jeff. I have about 50+ sites and 15 of them are running AdSense. However, 80% of that revenue is generated via 3 sites only, iblogozne being one of them. It is not easy to get there, specially now with the constant updates that search engines are doing. Nonetheless, it can be done.. As for Lisa, I think that that number is just about right. Things is that she has real good niches and with high authority.

  • Great article and review, DiTesco! I do absolutely agree. Quality content and niche matter. I run 3 blogs on WordPress and 1 blog on Blogger (all in Indonesian language), and currently the 2 of them are running Adsense. The first one is using Blogger platform and talks about blogger tips (design, SEO, etc). The number of visitors per day is about 2.5-3K. But it only generates 1-3 dollars a day. Very poor, right? The second, on WordPress, talks about fashion tips, insights, trends, and other fashion How-TOs. I basically love fashion topic and have a little bit experience in the fashion industry. The blog traffic is not high, just about 200-350 daily visitors and about 400-600 daily pageviews. However it can generates 10-15 dollars per day, or about 400-500 dollars each month. Not too high, but I think it shows that content quality and niche matter. The first is regarding the quality visitors, and the second is regarding the bidding rate on specific keywords.

  • I have been with goggle for over 5 years, before they went public I was earning $2000-5000 per month. 3 months after they went public I dropped to $500-$1000 per month and down from then on.

    Today Goggle told me that I had violated their terms I am earning $50 -$100 per month, I have been really careful on violations and unsure why. I also run reviews for Schools aboard and third party people can post what they want ie. blacklisting schools, the only thing I can think of is that someone wanted to hurt my earning low as it is multiple clicked the ads .

    Anyway I explained why (considering that all most all my adsense earning went to adwords) I think this has happened I have been told that I can no longer use Google and I can not even appeal I have once. Really Google! I earn $50-$100 per month do you really think I will violate my terms for that. Anyway I hope that Yahoo will appreciate my business.

    Goggle does not care of for the small business man only for the big boys.

  • Nice tips.. are the above considerations enough for a healthy Adsense revenue or it is required to be more careful since the google guys can pull the carpet anytime??

  • My opinion is that Google Adsense is worth embarking as a marketing strategy. Even today there is a lot of webmasters making money from Google Adsense. To be successful, you need to think and follow some tricks, as it is common in any marketing strategy.

  • My website wasn’t making good money from Adsense, so I added Amazon to it. Well, now it is making money, but I am still dying to see that $100 per month! Though it ranks well in Google for several long tail keywords, it CTR is pretty low. I would appreciate if you could advice as to why is the CTR so low. Is it the ads placement?

    • I can give you some advice, but I would prefer you shoot me an email and we’ll take it from there.

  • My web developer is asking for my URL so that he can get back into the google adsense program? I dont know what this is but would it be dangerous for my website. Want to help but dont want the problems. Any advice?

    • Hi. My advice? For what’s its worth, stay away from it. Putting your account at risk is never a good thing, unless of course you trust your friend unconditionally … Even so, I would not do it. Sorry if I am being to straightforward.

  • DiTesco, I don’t usually say this, and it’s a sure sign of a spammer, but I am going to bookmark this post. I have been making pennies from AdSense. This is with thousands passing through my site. I figure it’s about time that I figure out how to configure the ads properly, or get rid of it.

  • I also want to earn money through adsense but my application is still on review. Thank you for this awesome tips. I’ll be back once I started implementing ads on my blog . Bookmarked! Thanks!

  • I believe low paid keyword is one of the main reason why people failed in Adsense.

    Whatever the methods they have tried, changing theme, position ads or color, the revenue is still low. Because it is a low paid keyword and not many advertisers.

    I think that’s the reason why Niche blog works better than authority if we use Adsense as a revenue.

    But thank for all those techniques and resources. I have bookmark the page and will read it to build my first Niche blog.

    Appreciate the post!

  • Adsense is not as good as other revenue streams – like CPA or Clickbank. You will most probably not make the same CPM because people are just not interested in clicking on ads. Adsense is only good for general sites where other revenue methods are not suitable…

  • I’m pretty new to monetizing my website and blogging in general, so I found this post useful. Currently, I can’t tell whether AdSense or other advertising methods would be most useful because I am still working on improving traffic to the site.

    Thanks for taking the time to write this post!

  • That’s a honest blog 🙂 I’m earning only about 60$ a month from may. Well, do you advise me to create a many less content niche blogs or few big time blogs with regular content additions?

    • IMO, I think that well established blogs with great content, is much better than having “made for AdSense” sites. Niche site is also a good alternative but unless it provides useful content, I don’t think that it will cut it

  • I’m trying to decide wether I’d benefit from having AdSense on my blog. It’s a popular blog with a niche subject, I’m almost up to a million views and I average around 2,000 blog views a day. Does anyone know how much I’d stand to make?

    • Its hard to know unless I know more about your site, its topic, etc… But I’m guessing that with that much view per day, I think you may do good with AdSense

    • Very difficult to even attempt to answer this question. So many different factors figure into the equation for niche monetizing adsense.

      Lots of testing and traffic is usually the recipe for finding the “sweet spot” for your site.

    • Well, with that number of visitors a day, I am quite sure you will make money with adsense. However, the amount of money you are going to make depends on your site’s topic.

  • Thanks for your replies guys, I may think about getting it!

  • My AdSense Account was suspended forever and I am banned for life for making another AdSense account just because of invalid click activity I’ve done to none of my control only ONCE.. This AdSense program is worthless, conservative and sensitive… They are run of the mill ad serving program that eats everyone else. AdSense sucks! worthless…

  • adsense is one of the best source to generate revenue from your website there are thousands of web owners are preferred adsense but many web owners think negative about the google adsense and the switchover with its alternative.
    thanks for this information hope it become useful for each website owner.

  • thanx for this artcle and adsense is the best way to monetize your bog but it’s the most hardest too….!!

  • I got disapproved from google adsense 9 month ago which was another blog.But i rebuild my new blog which is able to attract more than 350-600 daily visitors.
    When i try to resubmit googleadsene application i am unable to change the url of website i want to apply for plz help me.
    I searched alot but just got to know that only possible if i directly share the prolem with google staff only they could do so.
    I read another trick which is to remove my previous google adsense account and apply for new
    I just know that you have good experience with google adsense plz tell me what to do.Or how to email google adsense to change url

    • HI. Sadly, there is no trick or full proof method to get your AdSense account restated. Most of the time, submitting a request to Google AdSense staff to review your blog can help. Another thing you can do is to create another site and build it up for a while. Submit that new URL to AdSense for approval. They do take a while before responding as they have many similar requests. Meanwhile, why don’t you try to apply for Yahoo/Bing’s new contextual ad for publishers. It is very similar to AdSense and you may get approved.

  • Wonderful article! In my case not the position, but the number of visitors “The Reason”. I didn’t have a perfect niche, blogged on all the things i know and i wished to share, people hated it! Still now, have two or more Niche and they are not at all related! 🙁

  • Hi DiTesco,

    Great post about Adsense. I heard a lot of people say they’ve had their Adsense account disabled recently. I haven’t yet submitted my site for Adsense but in the future when I will have more content I’ll probably test this income opportunity.

    Did ever encounter any problems with your Adsense account. I wanted to ask you how many times you submitted your request before you got approval and also in what stage were you with your blog then.

    Thanks for sharing this, enjoy your week.


    • Hi Philip. I submitted my blog about 3 months after I started on blogger some 3 and a half years ago. I got approved right away. I guess that was the time that AdSense was still easier to join. Fortuantely, I never encountered any problems with the program

  • Hi, great post, so bravo! 🙂

    This topic is certainly top of mind for me right now. I blog about social media issues, and I’m trying to figure out if I’m getting the right volume and kind of traffic to determine whether Google Adsense makes sense. Is the time for me now, and how much could I expect to earn? That’s what on pondering.

    If the revenue potential is low, I’d rather remain ad free, at least for now.

    Any thoughts? Much appreciated. 🙂

    • Hi Laura. I think you will really never know when the right moment is.. Sometimes, best practice is to just go for it and see how it goes for you. I understand what you mean about being “ad free”, but if you can put them in “places” where it won’t be annoying and not obstructive, IMO, now would be just about as good time as ever. the good thing about these things, is that we can always take them down anytime we want… Your sidebar towards the end, could be a good place for an ad unit. Not annoying and clean 🙂 Let me know if you decide to go for it and how it works for you.. good luck!

  • This article is very well written and has enlightened me on a couple different things I have been doing wrong with my ads.

    I agree completely that visitors on your sites are very “blind” to ads now a days and no one wants pop up ads that are in your face screaming for your attention.

    Thank you so much Di Tesco.

  • Really great information! I know that alot of people can get frustrated when they first start using adsense and aren’t really seeing any money. One thing we need to remember is, that if we’re not producing great content and giving our audience what they need, we’ll never see any real money.

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