Ever wondered if there was any way you can monetize your site while writing your normal blog post and creating outbound links naturally? If getting paid for just writing normal content is something that appeals to you, then you would want to know about this. Before giving you more details about this interesting new affiliate program, I would like to straight up inform you that this method of monetization is 100% backed by Google and Google Ventures actually participates in its funding, so no problem here.
A Revolutionary Monetization System That Works Behind The Scene
When you are normally writing a blog post, often times you will create outbound links to product, services or any other websites. Whenever you create such links, VigLink will automatically change those normal hyperlinks into affiliate links only when they are clicked, and you receive a commission for any purchases made.
How Does It Work?
After you embed the VigLink library on your page, it monitors when visitors click on a link pointing to a different site. The library checks to see if the URL of that link can be affiliated; if so, the link is automatically affiliated. These links work behind the scene, and your users experience is not hampered with any annoying double-underlines, pop-ups, etc. Hovering the links are completely clean as it only works after the user clicks on that link (really clever). In addition VigLink will not overwrite any of your existing affiliate links unless you opt to do so.
Confused? Here is an example:
Recently, I wrote a blog post about KPMRS, a website that tracks your rankings based on keywords you are targeting. That post obviously contained links to KPMRS website but were not affiliate links. If they had an affiliate program, I didn’t know or just didn’t care much about it, as I only recommended the free version. With VigLink enabled, it would have transformed those normal links to an affiliate link, if KPMRS has an affiliate program registered in their library. If someone registered for their paid service, then I would earn money. Cool!
How Does VigLink Make Their Money?
Signing up for VigLink is free of charge. However, every time you earn a commission VigLink takes a small fee from that commission and then passes on the rest to you. The actual revenue share is 75% for you and 25% for VigLink. Not bad, considering the job they are doing for you.
How Do You Get Paid?
The threshold for payments is $25 and you have to option to receive payment by check or via PayPal.
Too Good To Be True? Where the catch?
Aside from the 25% which they get to keep, at this moment the only thing I can think of is how accurate, ethical or reliable their program is. They do say that they won’t create links where none exist or that they won’t convert non-commerce links into affiliate links. This remains to be seen, but as I said, since this is backed by Google themselves, I have reason enough to believe that it is worth the try.
What do you think of this program? Do you think it is something you would be interested in? If you are, sign-up for a free VigLink account and let me know how it goes.
Shabnam Sultan
Will check out Viglink 🙂 seems interesting.
Give it a try Shabnam. It looks interesting and might work for you. Let me know how it goes.
Robert Barry
RT @ditesco: VigLink – The Universal Affiliate Program http://bit.ly/9fMLZs
You always manage to find the coolest “stuff”. 🙂
I was thinking of monetizing my blog with an additional revenue stream such as Infolinks but I feel that could be an annoyance to my readers. If I’m correctly understanding how VigLink works, I think this is something definitely worth trying.
Thanks for sharing this resource.
Hi Robert. I started to run VigLink on some of my few blogs just a few days ago and so far I have not seen any links that would be annoying to my readers. One thing to remember though is that you have to have outbound links for this to work, or otherwise zero. Give it a try and let e know how it works. I think it is very interesting 😉
Holly Jahangiri
The only thing I find alarming about this is the fact that hovering over the link would not reveal to the user the fact that it’s an affiliate link. That, to me, seems deceptive. Not necessarily annoying or harmful, but anything that can cloak the actual destination of a link worries me a bit.
You have a point and it is one thing that I am paying particular attention to. In this case, I am solely relying on the fact that it is backed by Google and assuming that it is a “Website Of Trust” ;-). Hopefully they won’t think of doing this or their rep goes down the drain in an instant. My radar is on 🙂
Hi DiTesco – That’s one of the coolest things I have ever seen. I’m wondering, though, how do you make money if you aren’t already signed up to be an affiliate. I’m sure that’s taken care of in the details.
Anyway, I will definitely be checking that out. You know where I feel like that kind of thing could make tons of money? A crowdsourced blog. I just got a brilliant idea…. 🙂
Hi Tia. Good to see you here. Anyway, the beauty of this is that you don’t have to sign-up as an affiliate for anyone aside from VigLink. They are the ones that are associated with the affiliate networks. They use our site to leverage links that are affiliated somewhere. For example. Say you want to link to a product on Amazon and you really con’t want to sign up as an affiliate and have to set it up, copy codes, paste the whole shebang. Using VigLink, just link to the product naturally and when someone clicks on that link, VigLink will change it to an affiliate link (theirs). Now all this happens after the user has clicked on it, like magic. Cool!
Sorry for being so late on your blog. Was busy like anything..huh !! Viglink…interesting name and interesting concept too. And interestingly, I read about the same on Reetha’s blog too 😉 Anyways, I think this is yet another great online money making opportunity for those who have been looking for the same. Though I am not sure but yes, I will go for it. I am following your link now. Wish me all the best…Thanks and Keep writing 🙂
Hi Aswani. Better late than never right, lol. I know what the day to day activities can do for our agenda. So much to do and yet so little time. Anyway, you are here and that is what counts.
Anyway, VigLink is indeed a very interesting concept and I am running it now in some of my experimental blogs and in no way it is intrusive. Even I do not see it working, although the engine is there 🙂 Let me know how it goes for you. I know you are skeptic about this king of things and just by trying it means you are intrigued. Good luck my friend and all the best.
Hi DiTesco, I read about this yesterday so I signed up already. I don’t remember seeing the options for how to get paid, so I’m sure I didn’t set these up yet. Do you remember where to find this in the settings? I’m anxious to read your first earnings report, if anyone can get paid from this service it’s you!
Thanks for the info.
Hi Ileane. Haha, that’s motivating.. “if someone gets paid its me”. I hope so. Anyway, you will not see an option for how to get paid yet. The system will ask you for your details once you get to the threshold of $25. It is only one time but you will have to wait until that happens. Good luck and I hope you too can benefit from this.
Nice program for consideration. The most important thing of my concern is link juice that can be lost 🙂
Hi Tinh. You really should not worry about link juice because VigLinks do not change your links. It will only analyze your link to see if there is an associated affiliate program with it. Also, you will be passing on link juice if you do link somewhere in the first place so this is not an issue. If you don’t have outbound links, then there is no juice to leak, right?
It sounds interesting, and I’m always up for trying something new. I’ll have to sign up with them and see how it works. It is different, I’ll give them that.
You’ll have to keep us updated on how it works out for you.
First time to know about this program.May be i will try
TJ McDowell
I normally don’t like out to to many other sites in my blog posts. I’ve been starting to link to other blog posts within my own site, but that’s about it. Do you regularly link out to other sites? Do you make those links nofollow? I just figure there’s no reason to give away link juice if I don’t have to.