Make Money Online With
Making money online from running your own web site, has been very popular these days, due primarily to the wide range of advertising and affiliate programs available on the internet. We all know that having several streams of extra income is a wise decision and so, another interesting option to make money online is Amazon’s “aStore” as part of its associates affiliate service.
Amazon does not need any introduction and the “aStore” is an online shopping store that you can integrate into your own web site, and offer targeted products to your visitor directly from the site. If you prefer, you can also select specific items relevant to your niche and offer them. Say you have a blog about games, you can, for example, offer your visitors a PSP with great discounts. This is ideal if don’t want to run your store from a minisite (or an unused domain) and instead just place a banner or an ad of a featured product in your blog. You might notice that I have an Amazon banner on my sidebar:)
A wide range of products are available from and for this you can build your store in accordance with whatever you think could be interesting for your visitors. From technical resources to baby accessories, gift cards to cell phones, you choose the categories you want to offer on your aStore as you see fit. Visitors to your store can add items to a shopping cart and then be taken to the Amazon web site for secure purchasing. As an affiliate you will receive a 15% commission over the total revenue of the products purchased through your aStore or from your traffic leading to You can also, build up to 100 aStores on a single account.
As with most affiliate programs there is no guarantee that you will make a lot of money from running an Amazon aStore or driving traffic from your blog directly to Amazon, however it seems like an interesting idea with a lot of potential. It’s also free to set one up, so it’s certainly worth a try.
Interested in being an Amazon associate? The path….
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