If you are like me, an “advanced beginner”, most of the time I use Googles Search Engine to find what I am looking for. While this will probably be not new to most of you, I am sure that there are a lot of people out there who does not use Google’s refined search capabilities.

An example:
googling – “make money online” (w/o quotes) – returns a whopping 42.1 million results (1)
googling – “make money online” (w/ quotes) – returns a less whopping 12.6 million results (2)

Now try this (type exactly like you see it):
intitle:make money online – returns a mere 1.6 million results (3)

Morale of this story:
(1) Often, when we are looking for something specific, it  is better to refine our search in order to find pages relevant to the topic we want. In the example above, a simple search on make money online returned almost all pages where you can find the keywords, make – money – online, or combination of all, and so on. having that said, it is most likely, that your search result will include a website that sells banana for very little “money”.

(2) Quotes refines your search to pages that include exactly the “make money online” as a phrase in someones website content. So, it is likely to eliminate some of the bananas, but still would return several pages of results.

(3) By using “intitle:make money online” (w/o quotes) – your returned results will include only webpages that contain that query in the title, thus, minimizing the possibility of visiting pages that are of interest to the topic you are looking for.

Try it and let me know if it works well for you. Do you know of any useful tips for searching? Please let us know.

Post Updated: Be A Certified Google Power Searcher



DiTesco is a Business and Inbound Marketing Consultant, and founder of iBlogzone.com. iBlogzone's main objective is to help startups and small business owners achieve success in their online ventures. | More About Me and my Digital Marketing Services in SP Brazil.

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