There are several ways to find for guest posting opportunities. Aside from the numerous advantages (and some disadvantages) of guest posting, there is one important factor that you should take into consideration and that is relevancy. To obtain maximum exposure and leverage on the benefits of guest posting, be sure to write articles that are relevant to your niche or to that of your websites topic. Obviously the opposite is also true, that being, you should write only guest post on blogs that are equally relevant. Does not make much sense writing about the secrets to generating massive traffic, and submitting on a website, whose purpose is to deliver to their audience lessons on how to play the guitar. Makes sense?

In addition, and since you are already writing with all your might, instead of submitting a quality article on low quality sites, why not send it over to high quality ones, where you are almost ensured that it will generate good exposure, buzz, and gain some authority backlinks? If you are looking to build high authority backlinks, which you should, as part of your SEO campaign, I can’t see no better way to do this than getting your article out there, where it matters. Another way of course is getting interviewed by top bloggers, but that is a different topic and will be tackled in the near future.

That said, and If you are in the social media, internet marketing, online business, SEO and related niches, or simply looking for places to build a monster career builder (professional blogger) opportunity, then the short list below will serve you good. These are my recommended sites for you to submit you quality writing and they are all open for guest posts. While this is so, these sites, being already established and highly reputable, will not accept crap and non original content. That’s for starters. Read their guidelines very carefully, abide by them to its fullest, and you are good to go.

Before you jump over the list, you should know that my selection process was based on several factors, two of them being crucial to be here. One is the level of interactions I have with their site owners, and the other, that the site has clear guidelines on how to submit guest posts (links on the list points towards the sites guest posting guidelines, with the exception of two that makes the whole process even simpler). I won’t be able to recommend any of these if I did not know anything about them or the sites they manage, right? So, if for some reason you are not here, please don’t take it personal as I will be updating this list as time goes by. If you feel you should have been here, let me know. I’m all in, lol.

[note]UPDATED: April 2013[/note]

Recommended Sites For Guest Posting Opportunities

And of course, here too on

You can also read this to find for more guest blogging opportunities.

Finally, if you are looking for something different. There is whole world of “guest blogging” opportunities on I’m sure you will find there sites that are open for guest posting and that suits your needs, specially if you are in a different niche as I have mentioned above.

That’s it!. All of those blogs up there accept guest posts and rest assured that if your article is unique, of good quality and engaging, you will have no problems in getting your guest posts approved.

Have you submitted any guest article before? Where? How did it go? Are you a believer that guest posting yields benefits?


DiTesco is a Business and Inbound Marketing Consultant, and founder of iBlogzone's main objective is to help startups and small business owners achieve success in their online ventures. | More About Me and my Digital Marketing Services in SP Brazil.

74 thoughts on “The Best Sites For Guest Posting Opportunities

  • OK, weird!! I just wrote a post mentioning you AND WPJ. What are the odds. You and me are in the same plane baby. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thanks for listing me as one of the “high quality” sites here. Being listed amongst things fine people is truly an honor. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good idea pointing out people should familiarize themselves with the guidelines. I had a couple of guest bloggers slip by me that although they wrote great stuff they didn’t adhere to my rule of engagement. Shame really. But it has allowed me to realize that I just have to be a stand for that and be very upfront about it.

    Thanks again my dear!

    • Same plane, boat, whatever else you might feel appropriate, ahaha.. Isn’t that something ๐Ÿ™‚ As for listing you here, that was already a given. After all I wrote a guest post for you ๐Ÿ™‚

      Regarding the guidelines, I totally agree with you. Many people fail to follow the “rules of engagement” and don’t realize that buy not doing so, they are missing the real benefits of guest posting. Many will just slap you with a post just to get links. When this happens, I also send them a friendly email ๐Ÿ™‚ When despite all your efforts, it still does not work I either jump in and do the interacting… sometimes it gives me the “itch” to delete the post all together..

      • Yeah, I hear you. I’ve thought about doing that. Just don’t have the heart to. Maybe just removing the link juice. Hmmm ๐Ÿ˜‰

        • I like… removing the juice, hmmm. Maybe I can send them an email next time giving them a friendly warning… Hey you! Your links will be automatically removed within the next hour if… haha

  • Thank you for the mention D, I appreciate it.

    • Welcome John. Although I might have missed a post or two of yours, I never forget awesome peeps like you, that values relationships.

  • Once you submit some content here and there, then you will see more traffic and signups to your site..but you must stay consistence.

    “Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”

    • Hi Cole. Consistency is really one of the keys to virtually everything, right? Doing it once will not get the job done and assuming that it is enough is not really a wise move.

      BTW, and this is off topic. I saw your testimonial of Dan’s new product (BackLink Profit Builder). How is it working for you?

  • Awesome list! I feel like I need to get a guest post on each one of these blogs before the year is out.
    I agree with Michele, I was disappointed by a guest that didn’t respond to comments and I sent him a little nudge in an email. That’s all it took but I shouldn’t even need to do that much.
    Thanks so much for including me among these pros. You’re awesome!

    • Hi Ileane, you are absolutely right and I know I owe you one ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m working on it…

      Yep, you, Michele and I agree with the same principles of guest blogging. A guest should interact and has, in my opinion, to treat a guest post like it was hosted in their own blog, only better ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I’m beginning to recognize sites and names, feeling less like the spy who came in from the cold. Thanks for the post.

  • A big thanks for mentioning Blazing Minds, it’s very much appreciated ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Hi Karen. You are very welcome. You have a great blog and people deserve to know that ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by

      • Thank you, it’s great knowing that the blog is getting noticed and I do appreciate it ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • I don’t normally guest post but someone liked my comment on a blog the other day and because I put so much thought into it that they asked me to write a blog post. You never know….

    • That’s what its all about, isn’t it David? Putting in quality, regardless of it being a post or a comment can reap benefits and build relationships. Keep it up

  • Thanks for including me in your list! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • My pleasure Kristi ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by

  • Having guest posted on several of the sites you mentioned, I have to agree with you! Thank you so much for including bizchickblogs, too. I so appreciate that.

    I didn’t realize that was accepting guest posts now. I might have to send him something!


    • Hi Tia. Nice to see you here. And yeah, John has opened his doors for quite a while now and he has been pumping in many “business” tips, which makes it a perfect fit for guest posting ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Nice list of blogs to submit guest posts… I’ve never tried guest posting earlier, but im sure it’s a great way to increase traffic and subscribers for your blog…

    • Hi Sandeep. There are tons of benfits one can reap from guest posting. This is about one of the best ways to get high quality and “natural” backlinks. Obviously, SEO aside, the main benefit is to share your views and opinions with the hosts audience and through that build relationships.

  • Hi Di,
    Thanks for sharing this list.These all are great guest blogs and also keep there blogs up to date.

    Thanks From Zarah

    • Great blogs indeed, Zarah. Hence why I see no reason for anyone who wants more exposure to not take advantage of all these great blogs being “open” for guest posting. I know, I should also do it more frequently ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Thanks for this list, I am thinking about posting one each of those ๐Ÿ™‚ I believe that if someone really works hard, interacts with other fellow bloggers, take the time to write some guest posts and increase his exposure on the blogland, there is no reason not to be successful ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Hi Pam. If you can do just that, guest post on all of them, that would be a great accomplishment and very rewarding ๐Ÿ™‚ I am sure that if you give it all you got, you won’t have any problems. Thanks for stopping by

  • Hi DiTesco,

    Thanks for including my blog in the list. Much Appreciated.

    • Hi Dev. You blog has what it takes, so it was a given ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by.. all the best

  • Hey DiTesco,

    Great list of blog you’re sharing here. I have written articles for most of them ๐Ÿ˜€

    Thanks for sharing.

    All the best,

    • Thanks Mavis. I know that you have already “left” your mark on most of them, and that is just great ๐Ÿ™‚ All the best

  • Guest posting is a great way to get traffic, backlinks and become recognizable in the blog community, thanks for sharing!

    • My thoughts exactly. Thanks…

  • Thanks for sharing this. I hear that guest posting is a great way in which to increase traffic to my blog. I suspect that this is something of mutual benefit and will be moving in this direction shortly.

    • Hi Tilly.. Indeed, guest posting has many benefits, one being to increase your exposure to the host’s audience and hopefully bring in traffic.

  • Writing guest post is agood way of gaining exposure and stamping your authority on your nice however most of us seems to be in it for the backlinks only i think we should take a stance like kristi read her guest posting guidelines.

    • Hi Gary. You are right about the links. While it is obviously one of the benefits, I think that the guest should take the advantage of being hosted on blogs that can help them boost their authority. Either way, i don’t think that these type of guest posts will ever get approved in any of these blogs anyway ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for leaving your thoughts

  • Hi Di,

    Wow what a list! ๐Ÿ™‚ I love to write guest posts. I think they are an invaluable part of your online marketing strategy. I have written for, and I’m about to write for Dragonblogger. I’ve heard of a lot of the others, but just haven’t taken the leap to guest post for them. I’m certainly going to check out the others as well.

    Thanks for the post!

    • Hi Morgan. So seems you have been busy guest posting already, and on awesome blogs too ๐Ÿ™‚ Care to write for iblogzone too? It will be a pleasure having you around..

  • Thanks Ditesco I was looking for some quality blogs to contribute there. But was not able to find such quality blogs you have mentioned. The problem was of irrelevancy and was hesitating to write in irrelevant blog. My theme is wholesale business. I have made an account in So I hope that now I would be able to get related blog to write for. Trend for write for us has been increased after the Google updates, and it is a good thing.

    • Hi Avelina. Wise move to open an account on MyBlogGuest. If used properly it is a wonderful community and I am sure you will find blogs or sites that are relevant to your niche. Good luck and success…

  • Hey buddy, thanks for the mention!

    I am writing now a new blog post about guest blogging and it’s cool to get some inspiration here ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Hi Buddy. Long time no see, lol. Glad this post can help you get some inspiration… I hope all is well with you and business doing great. All the best and take care my friend.

      • Thanks a lot buddy!

        I am doing good, but have been crazy busy recently, I had to fly to California a few days back to meet one of my business partners, I will spend 3 weeks, we are working on a new project!

        Wish me good luck, speak soon!

        • That’s good news buddy. Knowing you I am sure the “project” will be a blast. You got a “sharp eye” for those kinda things. Good luck and all the best. Everything is going to be just fine.. Let me know how it goes, and you already know that if there is something I can help with, just shoot ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hello DiTesco,

    Thanks for these sites , actual i was seeking for such sites.

  • Just by seeing some of the domain names in the list, it seemed to me that those are, indeed, great places to get some guest blog posts. Good thing you made a list of these sites. Now I know which other sites are a good place to publish a guest post. Thanks for making our it easier for us. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Great list and advice but I am curious, what would you recommend for someone who has a more generalized blog? For example, if your website covers SEO, Web Design Basics, and Reviews Online Money Sites, would it be more beneficial to guest post on a blog or website that covers the same topics or to guest post on blogs and websites that cover one or two of these topics?

    • Hi Michael. If you are covering SEO and MMO reviews, I would say that it is pretty much OK to guest post on any of the above, including here ๐Ÿ™‚ Write a guest post and provide links to the topic in your site that suits it best. I mean, despite being somewhat generalized, there shoud be some sort of “weight” between those topics, right? My blog is the same, actually..

      In addition, you can try MyBlogGuest, there are tons of sites there that offer and accept guest posting.

  • Too many sites to guest post to, too little time. I wish and I am hoping and really praying that, one of these days, I will be able to set out one or two guest post articles.

    • Hi Ron. I think you know what need to be done in this case ๐Ÿ™‚ You are the only one who can make it happen, so plan on it and just do it. You will see that the time you invest on it will be totally worthwhile. Thanks for stopping by

      • Thanks for the encouragement. Like what the elders says, the first step is always the hardest part. Thanks again!

  • Thanks for this list, I’ve been looking for sites to write some guest posts but had no idea where to start. I’ve even sent some emails to a couple of blog sites but haven’t gotten any response =/

  • wonerfull, i’m going to use it as a reference ๐Ÿ™‚

    you forgot to mention which is the 1st free guest blogging on the internet, it’s little bit new about 1 month ago but it’s promising as in 1 month they was able to have 146 blogs that accepts guest blogging and 56 guest writer too.

  • Great list with suggestions of websites for guest posting opportunities. The best sites for guest posting opportunities are popular sites, which are topic related to your online resource and can generate a great deal of targeted users to your online resource.

  • This is a great post I must confess. I have always thought about doing a guest post for some of the top blogs, but to locate them is the ultimate issue I face. Today, you have made it so simple – I’m going to contact them today and see how much success I shall record with these sites. I’m grateful and will forever remain your fan.

  • Hi Di Tesco, I did a search for list of sites for guest posting and you came up. I really like the look of your blog and can see lots more great content and will come back for sure. I have taken note of your 15 blogs and will also submit an article to you in the near future. Thanks again for the great list and hope all is well with you. I bookmarked this post so I can return. Best regards, Chris

  • thanks for mentioning me, I’ve just added some cool voodoo to the site for guest bloggers. Now they can log in and see what terms are being used to find their posts and it shows their overall ranking in a custom dashboard widget!

    welcome one, welcome all!

    • Hi Andy. That’s really cool. Is that something you have developed “in-house” or is it a plugin, premium I mean?

      • it’s always in-house! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Thanks for this list. I really like blogs that have guest commenters, to me it says that the blogger isn’t selfish and is really committed to the blogging world (or blogosphere? haha!) I love reading other people’s opinions on things, I’ll go and check those out now. Thanks again ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Does anyone know how to get guest blogging opportunities in commercial niches? Say you have a site on refrigerators. Any ideas?

  • Hi DiTesco, guest posting indeed increases the relationship between two or more parties and give us the opportunities to exchange point of views to improve business opportunities and not to mention reaching out to the larger audience or in simple word, free marketing.. This post is definitely very beneficial to every blogger out there.

  • Francisco, how did I miss this one??? Wow, thanks so much for the mention, hope it will help someone find their way to guest posting for me ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Waooo! Thanks for this great list. Of a truth guest posting is a great and profitable means of generating some good traffic for your blog. thanks!

  • Wow thanks for the info. This take a ton of research out of looking for places to get some guest posting going.

  • These are all great site to gust post on. I have had a lot of success in terms of traffic and seo with ComLuv. Andy has created a great community around the plugin and it truly is a great place to gust post on.

  • You’re absolutely right! Guest blogging is becoming much more effective than article marketing nowadays. These are very good websites you shared on your post and I will be forever thankful. Looking forward for more wonderful resources for link building. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  • That’s a good list indeed. I’ve really not done much guest blogging but I’ve done a few times on and some others not in the list. Thanks for this list may just have to take a look at them. Besides, You may just want to check out my blog, I also accept guest post!

  • I’ve got a few techie articles I’d like to write and to get the message out (and hopefully get some seo benefits) I found your guide and tips to guest posting is really helpful. Thanks for this list!

  • there are really high page rank dofollow guest posting site can we make guest post on your blog

  • I guess now i have to work even more hard to get atleast a few articles for these awesome sites btw i also give oppertunities to bloggers for guest posting on my blog

  • looks like a perfect list for me, now im so sure that guesting will make huge results ๐Ÿ˜€

    Thanks sir for the advice

  • Excellent post. I use Mygusetblog myself and have found a lot there but have not tried some of the others. Will give them a shot. Thanks DiTesco

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