Have you been looking for high speed internet traffic to your website, blog posts and articles? If you’re tired of getting stuck on search engine optimization (SEO) with little or no traffic to show for the long hours and efforts, in this post, you’ll discover 5 best kept traffic secrets of smart bloggers. Read on.
1. Answer Questions In Exchange For Web Traffic
Bring those askers home (to your blog). Question and Answer (Q & A) sites are great traffic sources you should not ignore. This traffic strategy allows you to offer your expert knowledge to people who are asking for help in the Q & A sites, and you get a chance to leave a link to your blog post or article link below your answer. Your answers with links will remain there for years to come, so that anyone with a similar question that lands on that page may trace your back to your blog. That’s free traffic.
Here’s how to get to get traffic from the Q & A sites:
- Look at your blog contents, pick one post and search yahoo answers using your main keyword, for unanswered, related questions. You can do this every time you publish a new post in order to increase exposure to new posts.
- Next, in a list format or brief summary, provide honest complete answer to the question and then end by leaving your blog post URL as the source.
This strategy will score you free traffic plus a free backlink, every time you answer a question.
Yahoo Answers and LinkedIn-Answers are two of the high traffic Q & A sites you can start with. The members of LinkedIn love conversations and you’ll do well to use Q & A to brand yourself as an expert in that community as well as pull in more traffic to your blog.
2. Get Traffic To The Images In Your Blog Posts
An increasing number of bloggers are using images in their blog posts, some of which they create themselves to drive their points home. Flickr and Photobucket are on the list of the top 1000 websites and so have a huge potential to drive you traffic from people searching for images (Google and Yahoo Image search).
Do you create images, infographics and screenshots for tutorial and how-to posts? Those original images on their own can generate you tons of traffic and backlinks too. Here’s how to start getting traffic to your images:
- Submit your images (same ones you create for your posts) to top image hosting sites such as Flickr and / or photobucket in order to generate additional traffic.
- Ensure to enter relevant keywords as tags for every image you upload – that will ensure that your images will bring you only targeted traffic. If you can, insert watermark of your blog link on the images so that when other people download them, they also have a reminder to check the image source (your blog).
A few days ago I found one of my images (screen-shot created by me) used by a photo blogger; now, that sent me a backlink and is sure to send traffic. Twitpic is another image site that is gaining popularity among bloggers, and so should not be ignored. Remember social media traffic is on the increase.
3. Get Social To Get Traffic
Social bookmarking sites help increase exposure by spreading the word about your posts; ignore them at your own peril. These sites allow friends and friends of friends can share your contents with just a single push of a button – that’s the multiplying power of these social sites. Below are 3 social media traffic strategies you can leverage on.
High Traffic Social Networks: Sharing your posts as status updates on high traffic social media sites will greatly expose your contents to your social media followers and their followers too (see the multiplying power?). Ensure to join these high traffic social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, Delicious, Mixx and Friendfeed.
Niche Social Networks: Take advantage of new and niche social bookmarking sites such as wordpressjunkies, serpd, dimbler, blogengage, mmosocialnetwork, sphinn, BizSugar and Dzone. If you are in a special (non-internet marketing niche), you may want to search for top traffic social bookmarking sites in your particular niche.
Leverage Automation To Gain Traction and Maximum Reach: The more social bookmarking sites you share your posts, the more combined traffic you’ll get (from an aggregation of all the followers your content reached across all the social networks you bookmarked). To be more effective and productive with your social bookmarking tasks, leverage on automated social bookmarking tools such as Onlywire.com and socialadr.com (both are free) to automate your social bookmarking – so that you can plough back saved time to working on other aspects of your online business blueprint.
4. Expand your Coast – Piggyback on the Huge Traffic of Famous Bloggers
There’s no gain-saying that popular bloggers get more traffic than their unpopular counterparts, even when they write zilch. Readers like shortcuts and they easily pass on trust from their favorite blogger to a new underdog blogger. Blogging contest offer opportunities for underdog bloggers to come to limelight within a short duration of time the contest runs.
Participate in Contests – Blogging contests (any type) and guest blogging contests are some of the fastest ways to increase reach more audience that you would not have reached just by yourself. Organizers and sponsors of blogging contests, who are usually famous bloggers heavily promote posts submitted by contest participants – that’s how you can ride with the buzz, on the wings of established bloggers to gain recognition and popularity. With popularity comes massive traffic, because bigger blogs have massive traffic and a humongous reader base that can rub off on you if you simply write one single guest post for them.
5. Host A Free Webinar
Plan an open webinar or Skype meeting on a topic that most people in your niche would like to learn more about. Invite other people to your webinar, using social media tools such as twitter and Facebook events.
You can also contact other bloggers and marketers to do a webinar for their subscribers.
At the end of the webinar, invite attendees to get your free report that deals deeper into the Webinar subject (by opting in to your list). I bet you, if you wow your webinar attendees and taught them something that they can truly use to get results, they will come back to your blog. Then they will subscribe (good list building technique) and you will ensure to convert them to regular blog visitors by sending them (subscribers) notices of every new blog post.
Next Steps…
There you have it – the top 5 best kept traffic secrets that smart bloggers are using to get all the readers to their blogs. Now, it’s your turn to go put those free traffic strategies to use, else this post would simply be a nice read. As you can see, you do not necessarily have to be a SEO expert or perform heavy affiliate email marketing to amass tons of quality traffic – now you know how smart bloggers do it. Also don’t forget to keep a close eye on your Alexa report.
Finally, two things I want you to do for me before you go:
Share this post: Help a friend see this post – share it, tweet it, facebook it, stumble it… Use the easy share buttons above.
Comment: I’d love to hear your traffic results, let me know if there’s any free traffic strategies that I missed on that list above.
Thanks for reading my traffic tips and I’ll see you in the comments area.
Hi Stella. Thanks for writing this up. These traffic tips are indeed very effective provided people do something about it 🙂 I also like the “contest ” part as this is a method that can really do wonders, provided you organize and promote it well. Maybe you know that Hesham, Andy, Ann and myself just finished an event about “traffic” generation and it was a huge success for everyone involved. Too bad your post did not arrive earlier… could have been a a great contender 🙂
I understand that this is your first guest post. I’m honored… thanks again and keep it up.
Thanks DiTesco, first for the opportunity to publish my first guest on your blog and secondly for commenting. I’ll be sure to be part of your team’s next blogging contest.
No doubt that participation in blogging contests work wonders to get traffic faster than normal, as massive exposure leads to massive traffic. Look at what’s happening to Mavis Nong who got over 500 comments to a single contest post and she recently wrote a post on her blog about how her participation has given wings to her traffic and social media reach.
Cathy Miller
Hi Stella-I like the tips. I use the Answers section in LinkedIn, but hadn’t thought about other Q&A sites-great tip.
Hey Cathy, thanks for coming by and also for your comments.
LinkedIn Answers is very effective at helping a blogger to gain expert status and trust of opinions in LinkedIn community which are good foundation for getting targeted traffic from LinkedIn. I hope you’ll also checkout Yahoo Answers and other Q & A sites.
I love the green approach to social media cleanup, in your last post. My ‘social media garden’ needs quite a bit of work this quarter.
Hi Stella Great article.
While taking my dog I again realized that we have to give in order to receive. And your suggestions remind me of giving; making time to help others then I will be paid back in some or other from.
Thanks for sharing these ideas.
Hey Johan, thanks for coming around and also for commenting.
You’re right – even the art of blogging on it’s own is giving and lending yourself to any available opportunity to give first to your target readers, you are bound to attract more readers (traffic) back to your blog. Answering questions in Q & A sites and presenting free webinars are some of the ways to give (your expertise) in exchange for website traffic.
By the way, your last post had deep meanings and yet inspirational. I loved reading it.
Johan Horak
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it 😉
Hi Stella,
I like reading your posts. great content and valuable tips.
Sure I’m doing some of the recommendations already but have learned new ones like the Q and A on yahoo and linkedIn. I will be implementing it.
Thanks and much success.
Wendell Bulbaai
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hey Wendell – thanks for coming by, reading and commencing. I really appreciate that.
I’m glad you picked up a new traffic strategy to try back at your blog. I’d love to hear how they work out for you.
*I loved reading your ‘right mindset for business’ post. I quite agree with you that the right mindset makes failure not an option.
Thank you for the informative post. For the last 2 weeks I’ve been frustrated at the lack of visits to my blog, I’m always looking for ways to reinvent the blog and some of the sites you mentioned I never heard of. I will check them out definitely-asap!
Stella | Strategic Business Blogging
Hey Talia – I’m glad you liked this post, and thanks for leaving a comment.
I know how it feels after putting up some hard work into creating the best post possible (like you have on your blog), believing that readers would just be all over – only to have a lonely blog. I’d been there before but I’m happy that you found 5 cool and free traffic strategies you can start implementing right away.
Guess what? I only just found out that Amazon’s top 20 books are is celeb-biased. Thanks to your post; you write well.
Thanks Wendell for coming by and leaving a comment. I appreciate that and I’m glad that you found a new traffic tip you’d want to implement soon.
Just read your ‘mindset for business’ – you hit on vital points necessary for an entrepreneur to be successful and unstoppable.
Bill Gelwick
GREAT post. I had never tried 3 of these 5 methods. I will definitely be getting some use out of these. THANK YOU!
Hey Bill – good to see you around; and thanks for your comments.
I’m glad you found some new traffic methods you want to try soon.
*Your post, over at your blog, just made me realize that I actually always scrutinize the primary intent when people ‘say’ they are recommending some stuff. Great tips there for a buyer to beware always.
Dennis Edell@ Direct Sales Marketing
Do you know any other good Q & A Sites?
Hey Dennis, yes there are other good Q & A sites – a few I have also used and some that other people have mentioned, such as:
-HubPages Answers, ArticlesBase.com Answers [I’ve used these in addition to those mentioned in the post]
-Google Answers, Answers.com, Aardvark, Quora, Mahalo, Answerbag, AskVille [Mentioned by other people as good Q & A sites]
I hope you’ll try some of these sites; I’d love to hear your Q & A traffic experiment results.
Dennis Edell@ Direct Sales Marketing
Wow, I certainly wasn’t expecting all this, thanks Stella. 🙂
I certainly could conduct a good experiment with all these sites to choose from!
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hahha – you asked and I delivered. I’m happy you’re happy with them.
I hope to hear how they work for you.
*I liked your latest post – it’s a kind of reverse style of the usual where blogs write a post requesting for guest post writers.
Dennis Edell@ Direct Sales Marketing
That one’s coming soon Stella. lol
Kesha @small business website design
Hey Stella, informative and very useful post!
I don’t know if I told you but I’m creating a plan to use webinars too. I’ve seen first hand how they can exponentially increase traffic! 🙂
Like Cathy, I use LinkedIn’s Q&A but not any others (yet). I just created a profile on Quora. Have you used it yet?
Hey Kesha, happy to see you come around; and thanks for commenting.
Oh no you didn’t tell me about your Webinar plans but they are so effective that some marketers use it as their primary source of traffic (and list building) and it doesn’t cost so much efforts – nothing to write/ blog except a talking point. I’d love to attend your first webinar.
I tried Quora a few times; LinkedIn and Yahoo Answers are my favorite though. I’ve used LinkedIn +LinkedIn Answers successfully in my offline career and Yahoo Answers mostly after I write a new post.
*Cool offer there to stumble your readers’ sites – I already dropped this post’s URL. Thanks in advance:)
Man Over Board
Some really great points, looks like I found yet another fine blog for info on blogging. I happened upon your blog when I read your interview over at Blazing Minds. Great job and thanks again for some good information.
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hey ManOverBoard, I’m glad you found this blog and I’m sure you’ll learn a lot new blogging skills to grow your blog. iBlogzone.Com (this blog) has more than enough free business blogging resources you can count on.
*I was over at your watched the UFO crash event video – that was such a sight. It’s a shame the poor alien could not survive Russia’s harsh conditions (lol).
Daniel Black
Hi, thanks for this interesting and informative post. May be you should add that great and original content is also a way of getting and RETAINING traffic on your blog. Also creating dialogue on blogs is a way of making your website interesting-talk to your audience, answer their questions, thank them, show them the human side of the blog! That’s something many bloggers forget about.
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hi Danie, thanks for reading and I’m glad you found this post informative. Thanks for your comments and for contributing more traffic tips.
I like the points you raised – very valid first for building trust with readers. Nothing beats original, quality and relevant content. Truth is any blog can get a million new readers daily, that traffic would evaporate like mist because no readers would come back if your blog is serving poor quality content. That kind of blogger would ever be in search of new traffic whereas bloggers with good content manually generate traffic for a while and slow down when they have lots of return readers.
As you rightly stated again, dialogging with readers and responding to their questions make them feel ‘at home’, appreciated and want to come back again. I guess without the reader-blogger interaction any website would simply be an old-school website not a ‘blog’.
*Your blog is very educative – I never knew that making a will and gifts can be great strategies to significantly reduce tax payments. I loved reading – commented and recommended it:)
Hi Stella! Nice to see you here.
Of all of them, I can attest to #1 and #2 working very well. #2 works especially well if your blog already has a significant amount of domain authority. I have received over 2500 visits to bizchickblogs in a month all because of a single, optimized image of the LinkedIn logo. Those hits were to a single blog post about LinkedIn. No kidding.
#1 works well, too. I did this a couple of times with the site called Focus. I didn’t like the answers people there were providing to good questions, so I took the questions back to my own blog and answered them! I didn’t go back and update the answer with a link to my blog, but when you choose very popular questions, you will pick up new readers as everyone loves a good Q & A.
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hey Tia, thank you for reading and also for commenting and I’m glad you attested to the efficacy of traffic tips #1 and #2.
I screamed ‘wow’ when I read that you got 2500+ visits in a month from a single, optimized image. That was real traffic there, Tia. I started using image traffic recently and was amazed at how effective it is and wondered why I never bothered with it before. As you said, it works only if optimized well. I am now using it images more.
About the Q & A sites: It’s funny but I also use that tactic – sometimes lurk around Q & A sites to get popular questions and use (answer) them as blog topic ideas, when I do not want to answer questions. In terms of traffic from Q &A sites, Yahoo Answers and HubPages are the ones I got the most results from.
*I was at your blog reading ‘why no one is sharing your posts’. Coincidentally, in a recent post I sent out, I wrote about some of the points you addressed in- I believe that making a post easy to share improves traffic. I enjoyed reading.
By the way, I’m a big fan of your ‘bizchickblogs’ and the uncorporateblogging (just discovered yesterday and was glued reading for over 30 minutes). You got a great business blogging organization and writing style that I admire.
Ryan Biddulph
Excellent ideas Stella.
I focus on the social end of things but there are so many ways to drive targeted traffic. As for social bookmarking, get UBER social if you want to succeed with it. You will drive as much traffic as you drive to your buddies’ sites. Whatever you give, you get, so give freely and add value wherever you are.
Thanks for sharing Stella!
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hey my friend Ryan, thanks for coming by and also for leaving a comment. It’s appreciated.
It’s good to know that you have found the exact kind of traffic (social media) that is giving you good results. That should fall under traffic secrets group #3. Thanks for pointing out UbberSocial – will check it out.
*Just got more educated on cash gifting from you recent post, thanks.
Michelle Shaeffer
These are fantastic tips, Stella. I’ve added a note to my calendar to kick me into action to use some Q&A sites. Off to share this post. 🙂
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Thanks for reading, Michelle and for leaving me a comment. I’m glad you found the Q & A traffic method noteworthy of nipping into your calendar.
I’d love to hear how they work for you. Thanks also for volunteering to share this post.
*Hey Michelle, you have this way of weaving words with simple, real life things to drive your point home and I like that. This duct tape and scissors post is sure talking to me – I have a knack for longish posts. Nice read:)
Michelle Shaeffer
Thanks, Stella. I do, too. I really have to watch myself on length and remember that series are good. 🙂
A. Tatum Jr.
Great points Stella. A few I’ve tried and some I haven’t. I will add those to the list! What kind of webinars have you held?
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hey Tatum – thanks for reading and also for commenting. I’m glad you found some new traffic tips to implement back at your blog.
*I see you’re entering for the BlogEngage Contest – that’s traffic secret #4 in this post. You. I wish you all the best because that’s a free ticket to ride the wings of famous bloggers (for traffic and more benefits).
Hi Stella,
These are some awesome ways to generate traffic. Social Blogging communities like Blogengage & WPJ are great traffic generation tools.
It seems you missed Blokube, a social blogging community that started by non other then me!
Thanks for sharing this great post, Stella. Just Retweeted.
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hey Dev – thanks for reading and also for commenting.
I know you rock at driving traffic through social media, you must be attesting to their efficacy from experience.
I’m so sorry for missing BloKube out of that list – it was a total oversight. By the way, I signed up on BloKube (days after you told me) and it’s a no brianer – full featured for members interaction – I love it.
Sam @ Weekend Getaways
Hi Stella,
Great tips thanks for all of that. Online market has been very famous now days and for that how much traffic is on your site this thing is very valuable to divert any reader to your side it’s very challenging job and this thing can do only smart blogger because he knows very well what are the important keywords for generate traffic.
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Thanks Sam for reading and also for commenting.
I’m happy that you know that there’s a lot of competition among online marketers for the attention of readers and only the smart ones can succeed in diverting traffic their way. I hope you found some new traffic tips you can implement back at your travel website soon/
Hi Stella ,
Thanks for the tips . Have bookmarked on Delicious and will study more intently when I have five.
Have a great weekend.
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hey Barry – good to see you around; and double thanks for commenting and for bookmarking. I appreciate that.
*I enjoyed reading your post on the growing popularity of StumbleUpon and it’s place as a social media traffic ‘tool’. And I gave a ‘stumble’:)
Jeanine Byers Hoag
Stella, those are great tips! I had not thought of the possibility of answering questions with a link to a blog post. I am going to have to try that one.
Hey Stella – Thats a pretty good write up.. need to check out the social bookmarking plugins you’ve mentioned… they look good.. i’ve heard of onlywire
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Thanks for reading, and commenting, Sandeep. I’m glad you found new social media update automation tools you want to try out. You’ll love those.
*I liked the look and feel of your blog, You’ve got great posts there. I loved reading your 7 methods of getting backlinks.
thanks for stopping by Stella.. appreciate it
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hey Jeanine – thanks for coming, reading and leaving a comment. I appreciate that.
I’m glad you picked up a new traffic strategy to experiment with. I’d love to hear how it works for you.
*You’re so strong to have gotten this far with your ‘6 items of less’. I can understand why you asked about your outfits – ‘do I love it & does it love me back?’. Be strong, it’ll soon be over and you’ll be happy with the lessons lerned. BTW, I loved your Squidoo page.
Steven Suchar @ StevenSuchar.com
Hi Stella!
Thanks for inviting me to your guest Blog post…it’s so nice
seeing you here. 🙂
I like the angle of tapping into the Q & A sites, in fact, I’m
going to do some exploring today to see who I can find &
how I can help them.
KUDO’s on a wonderful article!!
Have a highly inspired day…your tribal friend Steven Suchar
PS…What a nice gesture DiTesco 🙂
Sorry to barge in Stella, lol.
Thanks Steven. Stella made it impossible for me to refuse her article 🙂 Its great… Anyway, allow me to extend the invitation to you also… feel free 🙂
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hahaha DiTesco, thanks for barging in – you know blogging 2.0 is the ‘new age forum’. I love a cross-discussions in comments.
Steven, you know DiTesco is a very kind host; I’m glad my first guest post is here. He got my post approved in such a short span of time plus he is such a good communicator -email responses fast and great support too.
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Thank you so much, Steve for coming by to read and leave a comment plus your kind words. It’s highly appreciated.
I’m glad you like this post, found new traffic (Q & A) secrets that you’ll want to quickly start experimenting with. Keep me updated of how the Q & A sites work out for you.
*Hey Steven, your video presentation at your blog inspired me to give more without holding anything back. I belive that’s the calling of a blogger – quality, unreserved giving. Thanks for sharing.
These are awesome tips and very useful to me!!! The Q and A one is probably the best one for me in my niche…..going to try that one out tonight!!! The stumbleupon, digg and such are totally foreign things to me….guess I will have to do some googling to find out!! I have heard of them but never knew what they are or purpose they serve.
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hey, RawkinMom – thanks for coming by and for commenting. I’m glad you found some new traffic strategies you’re excited to experiment with.
Keep me updates of how they work for you.
Yes, be sure to signup free with Stumbleupon.com, Digg.Com – they are similar to twitter and facebook; and as you know, the more places you spread your contents, the more traffic. *Ensure to leverage on OnlyWire.Com and SocialADR.Com so to help you automate sharing of your blog posts in all these social sites. OnlyWire and SocialADR will allow you to send one message and it gets to Twitter, Facebook, Digg etc at the same time.
*I liked reading your easter treat recipe. By the way did I tell you that I loved your twist to raw food preparation?
Okay, I tried the Yahoo Q and A thing and most of the questions I looked up were from 1, 3, or 5 years ago!! I couldn’t find any recent questions!!! I only spent about 1/2 hour searching so maybe I need to try again when I have more time!
BTW-Thanks for the compliment!! 🙂
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Wow – thanks for taking action fast, RawkinMom but let me share with you the shortcut I use to find recent questions within a few minutes.
I type the keyword/ question into Google Search –> Then on the left Google sidebar, below ‘Everything’ —> then click ‘Discussions’ –Then look down under ‘The Web’ —>You see ‘pas hour’, ‘past 24hr’, ‘past week/ month/ year’ —>I usually start from past hour (then check past 24hrs…
*I’m going to send you results of fresh questions on raw food dies and raw food recipes I got (most asked this week and a few hours ago) plus more tips to help.
*The Discussion search pulls up Q & A Sites and forums and groups where people area asking questions.
Diana Simon
Hi Stella, as always your posts are very insightful. I have only been blogging for two months and although the contests are very tempting, I am not sure I have it to submit an entry. Talk about having limitations 🙂 I do plan to enter into contests in June and for May my goal is to guest post. I believe that would also help in getting traffic 🙂 What do you think?
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hey Diana – thank you so much first for finding the time to come read, and for your kind comments. I guess we started blogging almost same time (me about 3 months now, from launch).
I totally agree with you – I’m a big fan of structured implementation and productivity – I also have the same views about not getting out there so fast so that overwhelm with attending to the ‘outside’ would not slow you down with organizing your blog from the inside. I see you also have a blogging/ online marketing business plan. Great and works. However some people organize their inside faster and enter contests soon. I was late to submit for the last Famous bloggers contest though.
Guest posts are great (this is my first here, lol) and I see your schedule – May and June for first guest post and first contest participation look realistic, seriously. I hope you found a few new traffic strategies here, though.
*I just realized, from your blog post, that I was not the only one who was drawn to that Copyblogger’s latest post on ” “How To Create Online Content Like An Immortal Renaissance Artist”.
Sheila Atwood
I have not been using QandA sites. But it does look like a way to really hit your target market, especially if you do a great job in answering questions. I am sure it is like anything else and takes a little time to build up your presence there.
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hey Sheila – thanks for coming by, reading and commenting; it’s appreciated.
My strategy for using Q & A sites for traffic is not to build a presence there because Q & A sites are not communities – most people use it just like any other search engine (I do) to find answers just the way people come to blogs to find answers.
Some other bloggers may use it differently though but I always like to evaluate efficacy of any traffic relative to time it consumes, so I tend to use them mostly to drive traffic to specific posts (keywords) often after I publish posts and I use Google and the Q & A sites search features to find open related questions; then I answer some, leave my ppost links and I leave. *You may want to adopt that approach too.
**That was a lot of useful blogger resources you had compiled on your latest post – I found a couple of new sites like the clipart one.
Tracy Ingram
Stella great article! You covered so much information my head is spinning will all the wonderful ideas I can use. I had not thought of using Question and Answer sites before, but I think I am going to try this is an area right up my alley.
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hey Tracy – thank you for reading and also for commenting; I’m glad you found some useful traffic tips in this post.
I’d love to hear your traffic experiments from the Q & A sites – you may also want to check out these other nice Q & A sites (Focus – mentioned by a commenter) and Quora.
*Until I read your latest post, I didn’t know there was anything like ‘unconference’ – that sounds like fun and idea-camping.
Tammy Matthews
Pretty amazing information here in one blog post! Thank you. I will be using a few of these on a daily basis to increase the traffic to by blog posts.
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hey Tammy, thanks for dropping by, reading and commenting. I’m glad you found a couple of new traffic tricks to use back at your blog.
*Your blog story about dealing with limiting self belief reminds me of some personal events that taught me the hard way never to let any selfish person quench my joy. Glad you learnt how to deal with it better next time.
Hey Stella,
You are a good teacher!
I haven’t used a few of these methods. I am going to search the Q and A on Yahoo and see if I can’t ratchet things up a bit.
Live it LOUD!
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hey Rob, thanks for reading and also commenting. I’m glad you found a few new traffic methods to try, like the Q & A traffic.
“Life is more fun with a broken clicker” That was from your post – glad you made fun of the coffee bath:)
Hey Stella,
Next time I’ll try Jell-o!
By the way, if you could build traffic only one way, how would you do it?
Just wondering.
Stella | Online Business Productivity
I would not stay with only one traffic source but if I someone had a gun at me and said ‘only one traffic source or …”, it would be organic traffic which is hands-free traffic if your tightly optimize every single contents to have a target of generating X number of visitors daily. But again, how many people can 100% high speed organic traffic to each post.
The risk here is it’s highly dependent on Google and what if Google changes or dies tomorrow.
I would add social bookmarking sites traffic using semi-auto tools like Onlywire, PingFm, IMAutomator, SocialADR and the niche bloggers social bookmarking sites like blokube.com, wordpressjunkies, serpd, dimbler, blogengage, mmosocialnetwork, sphinn, BizSugar and Dzone.
Then I would add also joining blogging tribes like tribber, tribepro, comment tribes or other good ones – some of these have in-built systems that auto-magically share your post to thousand of other tribe members.
*Haha – don’t forget to send a pic of you inside jell-o (would be the 21st century version of a genie in a bottle). I love your sense of humor:)
Okay, okay, you win. You have beaten me into submission:)
Excellent point about Google which again underscores the necessity of multiple revenue streams. I am a bit ADD so the social mediums other than Twitter and Facebook are just too time draining it seems (for me). There seems to always be another ‘must have latest greatest’ medium. Where does all the craziness end? It must not be soon because you’ve mentioned at least 3 I’ve never even heard of!
Thanks, you are a Champ!
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Hahaha Rob, I bet that ADD will love the handsfree social media auto and semi-auto bookmarking using OnlyWire.Com and/or Ping.Fm and IMAutomator (keeping it at a minimum). Those will allow you to post your blog post link on just one site and have it submitted at up to 30 different social sites (including Facebook, Twitter etc).
All you need to do is pre-signup (manually) in all the social sites those sites support (all or some) and then setup your details at OnlyWire and/ or Ping.Fm so that you only have business posting from those only once.
Isn’t that a lazily cool traffic method for spending less time on social media for traffic? So you have 2 sites to deal with (onlywire +/or Ping.FM). Another handsfree is joining triberr.
BTW, I read the smartboydesigns interview – so touchy.
Stay blessed:)
Computer Repairs Hull
I really like the questions and answers on yahoo I find if I provide a very good technical solution to readers IT questions I then in turn get them visiting my website to find out more about the subject.
Stella | Online Business Productivity
Thanks for reading and for commenting too. I’m glad to hear that you’ve had success from Yahoo answers. I hope you found some new traffic tricks to try out soon at your IT support website.
Dr. Bob Clarke
Hi Stella,
First of all, great title… got me curious and intrigued, so I was sure to click and check it out!
Second, great content delivered! What a wealth of information. I have to admit that I’ve heard about answering questions on YahooAnswers and alike but have never done it.
It seems I will need to take another look at this as a strategy.
Thanks for putting this out there for all to learn!
Thanks for your comment, Dr. Bob.
Lol – that title sure delivered on the curiosity side. I’m glad you like the content and will be looking at trying out the Yahoo Answers strategy.
Your latest blog title is getting me curios to unravel “what can’t wait till tomorrow”. I’ll be sure to check it out:)